Guild Regulations

The following are the most essential rules for you to follow as a member of the Guild of Aura Academy. These are crucial in all settings, not just roleplays. These rules are protected by a three-strikes-and-yer-out policy; I will sometimes allow one mistake if it seems to be an honest mistake. There are a few things that I will under no circumstances permit, but they're too dirty to list here. Basically, if you're wondering if you shouldn't do something, then you should probably just skip it. Boo (BooBooBoota) is the second-in-command. If she says something, that goes as if I had said it. You can contact her in regards to these rules, as well.

The use of profanity will be severely limited, with certain words not being permitted in the first place. There will be no instances of f--- or similar words; use of one of these words counts as a strike. If you use a particularly bad combination with the f-word I will probably boot your tail out. Thank you.

There will be no sexually explicit content. This includes cybering, offers of cybering (if you don't know what that means, God bless you, I hope you never have to learn), and strongly risque content. I'm the final judge on this one. If it couldn't make it to a PG-13 movie, don't even try it. If you're curious as to the appropriateness of a sequence, PM me - I don't bite. Safer than risking your membership

There will be no flaming. This is one of my least favorite practices. You will be warned before receiving a strike for flaming someone. I will set up a specific section where the flamers can enjoy burning away at each other; take your flames there or I'll eat you alive. *nom nom*

There will be no 13375p34k. We should all be literate individuals with the mental capacity to employ proper grammar. This doesn't count as a strike; however, moderators do get tired of correcting your posts, and if you annoy people enough you could get yourself banned.

No godmodding. This is an obvious one.

We practice a policy of acceptance-only. You can not make another person's character do anything. If they do not wish to perform an action, they make state that fact in an OOC post or PM a moderator to have the offending post corrected. Continued violations of this rule will result in being banned by hideous death from the current roleplay. Mwaha.

7~ (Recently Added)
Please limit your posts in the official roleplay to twice per day, just to keep things at a level where everyone can enjoy them. Other roleplay areas you may post as much and often as you like.

I can't think of any more at the moment - I apologize if these seem to lengthy; unfortunately, all of these rules are necessary. Please PM me if there are any questions
