The following items are will be enforced at all times. All members are required to comply with these rules.

1. The content of your posts cannot exceed PG-13. Excessive profanity, racial slurs, sexual insults, porn, hentai or any other such atrocities will not be tolerated. Remember: some of our members may be of a more tender age than others.*

2. It is alright to correct a fellow member if their information is inaccurate. But such things must be done respectfully. To put it bluntly, don't be an a**.

3. Don't be a "Know-It-All." It makes things very unpleasant for others. Besides, there is a chance you really don't.

4. Spam or other such pointless items will be immediately deleted. If you feel the need to spam, do so in the Chatterbox Forum in the regular forums. (This includes excessive use of smileys.)

5. Dissagreements with the ideas of another always happen in life. In here, keep such thoughts to yourself. Flaming and other such unpleasantries will not be permitted.*

*ATTENTION: Violation of these items will result in IMMEDIATE expulsion from the guild.

If you have any questions or would like to add anything, please PM me or Filly Faerie.