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Reply [15]~ Stories ~
Wolfs Run and Dragons Soar[ incomplete but read and comment]

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:40 am
[ okay..i know there are a few mistakes in the story.but i want to see if you people like it before i write anymore if it..pleaes and thank you]


“Grayback are you there”“ Clare yelled into the night as she walked slowly through the darkest part of the Black Forest.

“I am here Clare,” A voice called back from nowhere. She looked around to see where the voice came from. She finally looked towards a giant oak tree to see an old looking wolf slowly walk out of the half dead bushes. The wolf”s hair glowed bright silver in the full moon light.

“I need a favor, Grayback” Clare asked.

“What is it this time, Clare”“ Grayback replied.

“I need you to take care of my child.” She said in reply. “He is being hunted and the only place I can think of that is safe is with you.”

“What about you Ms. Clare” You are a mighty witch.” Grayback asked back.

“I might die soon and I want him to have a home. You will love him even though he is human. You can also teach him the way of the wolf.” She held out a little bundle towards the old wolf. Grayback took it into his teeth and sat him on the ground.

“Is there anything else you need me to do”“ He asked her looking into the baby”s sky blue eyes.” And what is to be his name”“

“His name is Kalas Raki Koho and he will be happy with you.” She replied bending over the baby and kissing his forehead. “I will miss you my child.” She look at Grayback. “Please take good care of him.”

“He will be fine Clare” Grayback said looking at Clare while she said good bye to her son.
She stated to walk away, but then she turned around and said “He needs to be sent to the northern mountains to see the dragons. And give him these when he leaves you. They will help him. He will also need these.” She said putting a few other bundles on the ground. “They will help him when he has to leave on his sixteenth birthday.” She took one last look at her son and walked towards a road near by. She took one last look at the wolf then at her child. Then she got a snow white horse and road south back to her castle to help defend it.
Grayback watched her ride off until he couldn”t see her anymore. He looked down at the young boy. He turned around and looked into the black woods as if he was calling for something or someone. A minute later a younger black wolf walked out.

“Yes Elder”“ The wolf asked.

“Grab those bundles.” Grayback ordered the wolf as he nodded over towards the things Clare had laid down on the ground. The Wolf trotted over and picked up the bundles and walked back south east, towards the cave.

“Queen Clare, one last thing.” Grayback said as he ran up to the horse.

“You know who I am. That is a surprise. How did you know?” She asked him.

“Remember when you were a young girl you saved a wolf” Well that was
me. After that I started to go to your castle, watching until you needed me. But you never did. So this will be my payment to you.” He replied. He bowed to her and trotted off towards the sleeping baby. He picked up the bundle is his blood stained teeth and walked after the other wolf.

When Grayback arrived back at the cave, no one was there. He set Kalas next to his bedding and laid down to rest. When he woke up the clan was starring at Kalas as he slept in his wrappings. He herd them whispering and started to cry a high pitched scream that could break glass. Some were asking questions, while others were ready to eat Kalas. Grayback gave them a glare and they all backed off.

“Why is this human here”“ One of the wolves”s yelled from the pack. They all started to talk amongst them selves. No sentence was able to be herd clearly.

“He is here because” it is a favor for an old friend.” Grayback replied to all the wolfs, he looked away for a moment.

“He shouldn”t be here.” Someone yelled from the pack.

“He should be left in the woods to fend for himself.” Another yelled.

“Be quiet!” Grayback screeched at them.” I would not leave you out in the forest to die and I will not leave him either. You will all respect him as if he was one of us, and soon he shall be, when he comes of age.” Grayback looked at Kalas wishing he could do more for him right now but, he couldn”t. Until he turns eight, he will learn how to be a wolf. He laid down on his bed and went to sleep.

“We shall see how long you truly last.” The wolf who carried Kalas”s things to the cave said under his breath. He walked out of the cave and into the woods. He went to a tree and paced around a little and then laid down underneath it.

“I have spoken; we will raise this human as if he was one of us. We will teach him the ways of the wolf.” Grayback told every wolf there.

Chapter 1

It has been almost sixteen years since Kalas had been left in the care of the wolfs. Most of the wolfs have accepted him but, Fang, the one who had helped Grayback all those years ago, will never accept him. He avoided him at all time if he could.

Kalas is now 5.8”, with short, dirty blonde hair, about an inch in length. He also has ice blue eyes and his skin is a light brown from being outside all the time. His cloths made from sheep wool to keep him warm in the winter. He doesn”t like them but they are all he has.

“Kalas are you getting ready”“ A girl wolf asked walking up behind him.

“Yes Lyn, I am.” Kalas replied. He looked at her as he transformed into his wolf form. Kalas”s wolf hair was as dark as the night time sky. His eyes turned as red as the blood in our veins. “Want to race”“

“You know I can”t race with my hurt leg.” She retorted back to him. She looked down at her front paw to see it wrapped in leaves. She limped forward towards him. “That darn hunter will pay when I find him.” She whispered.

“Have fun with that. Just don”t get yourself killed okay.” Kalas told her. He started to trot back towards the cave. He looked back at Lyn with sad eyes. He knew he was leaving her and al the other wolfs today. He walked over to her and walked next to her the whole way back to the cave.

“You know I can take care of myself, little wolf.” She said quietly.

“I”m not a little wolf any more Lyn.” Kalas snapped back at her. “I am almost sixteen. I am older than you.”

“Yea but, you never act your age. You act like you are ten and way to hyper.” She pointed out to him, looking into his red eyes. Kalas looked back trying act all tough, but her calm caring eyes just softened him up.

“Well I just can”t help it.” He replied.

“Come on Kalas, we need to get back to the cave.” She and left his side and walked through the bushes towards the cave. Kalas took a deep breath and followed her through. He stepped into the cave and saw all his wolf family sitting around Grayback. He spotted Fang, looking disappointed that Kalas had live to turn sixteen. Fang had, reluctantly carried the baby Kalas into the cave all those years ago.

“Kalas, there you are. Come, sit.” Grayback told him. Kalas walked over and sat next to him, still in his wolf form. “Kalas we need you to be in your human form for this.”

“Okay.” Kalas replied. He slowly transformed back into his human form. When he finished her sat crossed legged next to Grayback.

“There we are.” Grayback said with a smile. “Kalas, the time has come for you to
leave us and travel to the mountains, but first you and me are to go to the nearest town to get you some weapons. Kalas now if you would follow me we will start our trip. We are heading for Gale, a great town in the north. It has one of the best blacksmiths in the whole world.” He said getting up and walking out of the cave. Kalas followed him, walking at his side.

“Why are we going to Gale”“ It”s farther than Dead Wood. We could go there.” Kalas asked him.

“As I told you before, Gale has the best blacksmith in the north.” Grayback replied to him picking up the pace a little. “Try to keep up, young cub.” Kalas started to move faster, but he wasn”t making any progress.

“How is this old wolf moving so fast”“ Kalas asked himself.

“Come on, Kalas. If I can do this then you can.” He yelled from atleast two hundred feet away.

“Grayback, please slow down.” Kalas said as he started to run faster and faster.
He couldn”t catch up to him. He reached out, trying to touch him, but then he tripped over a fallen tree and smacked his head on a rock. He laid there lifeless, blood pooling around his head.

Chapter 2

Kalas snapped awake in his bed. He was dripping ice cold sweat down his face and onto the crisp white sheets. He looked over to the wall nearest the bed to see his swords leaning against the wall. Always ready incase he was attacked. He looked around the empty room at the Inn. It was all he could afford.
“Grayback, Lyn.” He whispered into the night. A tear reached the corner of his eyes and as slow as a snail inched its way down his cheek. The streak glistened in the light of the full moon. He felt something stir next to him. He looked over to see a young women lying beside him.

“Kalas, is that you”“ The female voice quietly asked. It took a Kalas a minute to remember that the girl was Kitty, his lover.

“Yes it is.” He replied leaning down kissing her cheek lightly.

“Why are you wet”“ She asked him sitting up and looking at him. Her deep, black hair falling over her shoulders and onto Kalas”s shirt.

“Nightmare,” he replied to her looking into her almond brown eyes. Kalas started to feel calm looking into her eyes. He stopped shaking and laid down next to her.

“I was back there again.” he told her.

“You mean your home”“ She asked him.

“Yea, the day I left.” Kalas said turning over to look at her. “Grayback ran to fast for me and then”“..I fell”

Kitty laid her head next to Kalas”s and kissed his lips lightly. “You will go back there one day.” She told him quietly. “And I will be with you even through that and forever after.” She said grabbing his hand and holding it near her own heart.

“I love you Kitty” Kalas whispered to her as he looked at the ceiling.

“I love you to” She replied kissing his cheek lightly as if his face was made of glass.

Kalas awoke slowly a few hours later. He slowly sat up and scanned the room, searching for any movement. He looked over at Kitty who was still sound asleep next to him. Quietly he got up out of the bed like a cat and slowly crept towards the window. He looked down into the streets of Mira.
People were bustling about their morning routines. He looked to the sky to see that there were no clouds in the sky and the planets two suns could be seen. He smiled a smile that almost touched his ears. He opened the window wider. The bitter cold morning air smelt of freshly baked bread and melted metals.
He stepped out onto the balcony and looked down to the street below.

“So many people are worrying about what is going on in their life and don”t even know what is happing outside of this place they call an empire.” Kalas whispered to himself. Kalas stood there for a while thinking about his family. Did he have any brothers” Is his family rich or poor” Can he help them in anyway” He thought these questions so deeply he didn”t even hear the door open and someone walk in.
The man looked at the bed as saw Kitty still sleeping. When he looked at the window he noticed that Kalas was still there. The man walked over to the cherry oak chair that sat right across from the bed. He leaned back and waited for Kalas to turn around.


Kalas took a deep breath and turned around and saw a man sitting in the cherry oak chair.

“Hello, Raki” Kalas said sharply. Kalas looked at kitty to see her still sleeping. He sighed and looked back at Raki.

“I”m surprised you remember me Kalas.” Raki said slowly getting up from the chair. Raki walked closer to Kalas and as he did Kalas took a step back, not wanting to get to close.

“Why wouldn”t I” You almost killed me one time.” Kalas retorted to him, still trying not wake up Kitty. “What are you doing here anyways”“

“I was in town so I thought I would stop to see if you were here. And I was right, you were” Raki replied with an evil grin. He looked towards the sleeping Kitty with a little grin on his face.

“Don”t touch her Raki.” Kalas snapped at him, moving forward a little, but then backed off so he wouldn”t wake Kitty up with a fight.

“Why” She isn”t just yours” Raki replied to Kalas softly. “Until you marry her you can”t keep her to yourself.”

“Just leave her and me alone.” Kalas retorted back with more anger than was necessary. Kitty stirred a little in the bed but, she didn”t wake. Kalas walked over to Raki and pushed him towards the door. “Now leave and never come back.” He said as he opened the door and shoved him out.
“I will always find you no matter what.” Raki whispered to Kalas. “You will never be rid of me.” Raki walked through the door and closed it behind himself. Kalas stood there for a minute thinking.

“Sweetie, Are you ok”“ Kitty asked as she sat up, with only one of Kalas”s shirts on. She looked really sad so Kalas walked over to her and hugged her really tight.

“I am fine, Kitty” He replied to her. “As long as I am with you” He held her close and touched her lips to his. Kitty wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a deeper kiss. Kalas pulled away and looked into her eyes and smiled. She lay down and Kalas followed. They laid there until they both fell asleep, holding each other close and unmoving.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:47 pm
very good  


Romantic Lover


PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:35 am

the bad part is, there were a few spelling errors (but nothing too drastic)...

but other than that, I liked it..... 4/5.....  
[15]~ Stories ~

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