Salutations my members of this guild, I am your guild master, Itachi.

I'm sorry to say that even the chatterbox has a couple "Dont do's". I'll try to make this short.

Alright so I know this forum is for whatever the hell you want to post, but that does not mean you can post ANYTHING you want!
Spamming is absolutely NOT allowed! If I catch you wasting precious space in the guild forums by continuously posting something completely senseless and annoying, I or one of the guild admins will give you a warning, if you dont listen to us? Kiss your sorry butt goodbye from this guild.

Remember not to post anything that is adultly mature *cough porn cough*, and NO! just because I said porn, does not mean you can twist it and say "Hentai" is allowed! It's the exact same thing so dont bother trying it, or else you will not only be banned from the guild, but you will be reported as well for breaking the gaia ToS.

Also, if you post something in the chatterbox, and no one answers your post, dont repost it in a different thread, just because you post it constantly does not mean people will look at it, it just gets annoying. Doing so will gain you a warning.