jarian synopsis

Jara was one of the people at the founding of the city and had great magical power, she had her private home that became the jarian base.
later when people came to be in the city it grew and rapidly became a very large place however from that sprung chaos and terror as people began to show up with weapons beyond anything seen in the city to date that were capable of great destruction.
So Jara, annoyed by these trouble makers remade her home into a weapon vault and locked these within. However this continued for many years until Jara, fed up with it all searched the city for one to take her place. Having selected her replacement she left behind a number of enchantments upon her home and departed the city for parts unknown.

And so the Jarians became a group specialized in gathering up all the dangerous weapons of the city and sealing them away in there vault. The person who replaced Jara quickly gathered a group to help in this sacred duty.
The group continued on for many years and a number of leaders. Over time with each new leader the groups manner would change
at one point they were protectors of the peace and greater good who aided ayone without question. Later in history they became mercenaries who would take jobs from the highest bidder without qualms. One of the Jarians most questionable leaders caused more harm than good when he began selling the apocalyptic weapons from the vault for his own gain nearly wiping out the city and killing himself in the process. Another darker figure in the Jarian history viewed all weapons as dangerous and had no qualms about grabbing people off the streets or from there homes to relinquish there weapons and if not then there lives.

However this group was nearly exterminated when the Hunter mercenaries were paid to eliminate them. The attack came without warning and nearly all of the Jarians were eliminated.The few survivors had in there minds only revenge so they left the city in search of something that could bring the Hunter clan to its knees. What they found was a creature called the absence. A monstrous being that stole the life from all it touched and had immunity against common magics and the world of science. These Jarians disguised themselves as common mercs and joined a troupe that was attempting to kill the Absence intending to capture one alive. However there plan backfired, killing most of them. Near death one of the few who survived passed leadership of the Jarians onto the troupes leader.

Taking what little remained of her troupe this new leader whose name was Lutia Fury trekked back to the city of Byako and this Jarian base from the dying mans instructions.
Along the way however most of the survivors died from the wounds they gained from the Absence that did not heal and began to decay. When they finally reached this Jarian base all that remained was Lutia herself and a young mage by the name of Lori Naoi. Using the Jarians equipment Lori recovered though her health became precocious and she risked death whenever she left the Jarian headquarters.

After gaining information on the Jarians and the city that it called home Lutia found that the group had nearly depleted all of its currency and in recent years had cut off contact to the outside world.
Thus Lutia without any resources and nobody to help her save for Lori spent the next few years gathering reestablishing ties with weapon makers who had past agreements with the Jarians and the Merchant guild that a distant Jarian leader in the past had founded. When Lutia was not doing so she was in search of people who she could trust to support her such as Record the artificial spirit who served as an archive. While Lori began mastering powerful magic left behind by Jarians of the past.

However this reunification of the Jarians did not go unnoticed.. Soon the Hunter clan were hired again to exterminate the weapon sealers. Unlike the last time however they were prepared for such an event. Making an agreement with some of the nobles of rich side in exchange for there support the Jarians were able to beat back the invasion of the Hunter clan and it seemed to be at a standstill until one of the hunter members somehow came to possess a tremendous power and atemped to assassinate Desta and take her place. Holding off this attack cost Desta Onsevine and in exchange for Jarian support she agreed to refuse any requests against the Jarians .
In the end both sides greatly suffered and Lutia lost her closest allies save for Lori who had stayed in the Jarian base during the attack. So Lutia began doing missions on her own and settling the deals made with those nobles she was forced to turn to.


One day after Lutia returned from a mission she encountered a shadow creature attempting to infiltrate the Jarian base that appeared to be working for someone.
On that same day an offer came from a small clan known as the Tryvan who offered an alliance with the Jarians. Along the way to meet the Tryvan leader Lutia came upon an inventor who seemed quite lost. Seeing potential in the young pacafist she offered the man whose name she later discovered was Neo a place within the Jarians which he accepted.
Later that day Lutia met Eiji, leader of Tryvan and reached an agreement in there best interests to work together.

On the way back to the Jarian door she came upon Kren a darkling (Dark elemental with physical form) and his minion Nicalin Archer. He was an insufferable sort and offered his services as an outside agent in exchange for protection from the law. Before Lutia could decide however a man came upon them. Grey, one of the aristocrats that Lutia treatied with. He demanded many of the Jarians more dangerous weapons in exchange for his support in the past. Refusing to give him devices that could level miles of the city the aristocrat left in a huff. With him gone She continued her dealings with Kren and came to a sort of understanding.

Over the next few weeks Neo began to familiarize himself with the Jarian base and produced a number of weaponry that would leave the victim unharmed and growing used to his new role as a Jarian inventor.
Later on Kren the Darkling came to meet Lutia attempting to gain her aid in building a war between the various factions of the city. Not trusting the darkling however she turned him down much to his annoyance.
A pirate in service of the aristocrat Gray came shortly afterwords with a business proposition that Lutia decided to keep in mind.

One of the groups that the Jarians made an arrangement with was a scientific community that endeavored to create magic weapons with there advanced technology. With Jarian funding they acquired the aid of the Hunters in procuring a specimen and implanted within him a powerful elemental in the form of a golden wolf. The lab specimen was unable to handle this power and it grew out of control destroying much of the facility before breaking free.

A young kitsari kitling by the name of Justice appeared on the Jarian doorstep asking for a place among them. He showed himself to be a very capable gunman with good aim, an exceptional engineer and a proven telekinetic. His plea to join the Jarians was accepted by Lutia after he proved himself capable. After moving in he began to tinker with the resources readily available and created a small space craft build to carry heavy loads.

Record later on escorted in a Vayle honor. One of the Forsaken undead who asked for membership. Accepting him within the Jarian ranks Lutia did not suspect that he would break into the Jarian vault to steal one of there dangerous weapons. However he retreated to Kabina where he was held until the stolen weaponry could by reclaimed.

Hearing rumors that the Hunter mercenaries and ISA were planning to allign she ordered Justice to use his technology to take on the appearance of Miso and teepee the Hunter clans Flyin Fortress and place the blame upon the ISA clan. Desta being easily angered retaliated with a prank of similar intensity. Inesuring the two groups would never allign.

Eight months after the agreement made with the Tryvan clan information reached Lutia of a seraphim who entered the city on a quest to restore his people. Discovering him to be a powerful warrior Lutia offered him a chance to join the Jarian ranks which he accepted. Frequently when he was unneeded by the Jarians he would go out into the city to deal with nare do wells and other unsavory characters.

Not long after that Kren once again returned having taken over a school of magic and transformed it into a research insitute on the dark arts. Asking for aid from the Jarians he swore to uphold his groups intentions. Accepting the offer the Jarians began to fund his work but before doing so aquired a spy within his ranks. Suzuko Amina a young girl with a talent for healing magic. She reported all of Krens doings to the clan and allowed them to keep him in check.

A new force came onto the scene as Randall Grisham a well off business man began making use of his Data Towers company to take over portions of the city. It would only be a matter of time before he rose against the Jarians and there goals.

A grand ball was being hosted by the major figures of the city. Lutia attended and ran into Desta of the Hunter clan. Despite bitter rivalries the two agreed to put aside there diffrences should the need arise with signs of powerful forces at work...

A few months after that a man by the name of Viva came to the Jarians asking for entry to the group and a chance to help further there goals. He displayed herculian strength, a talent for magic and great tactical sense.

Over a year since the Jarians failed alliance with the Tryvan everything changed for the worse. The Ten Organization with there nasty librarians layed siege upon the clans. The Jarians came under assult from a crazed monster summon known as the Shroud. The timing could not have been worse for the group as Viva left for his homeland to attend to some business, Raziel had left the base some time earlier for unknown reasons while Justice and Neo had been sent to a research facility under Firma park to stop an outbreak of a creature called the Greti from escaping and infecting the populace.
Shroud summoned hundreds of monsters and combed the city, attacking the door whenever they located it. Eventually the Jarian door lost energy and locked into place but not before cutting the invading forces army in half with old Jarian magic. Lutia, armed with two of the greater weapons in her arsenal and with Lori acted as defense stood before the Jarian gates to hold the monsters off until help arrived.

Meanwhile Neo and Justice were within the laboratory with there instructions. They were to prevent the Gretis from escaping from the facility, rescue any survivors and set the labs self distruct. Neo ventured into the base using stealth and his time manipulation abilities to avoid the greti swarm. He located a few survivors and brought them along as he made his way to the super computer. Once there he discovered it had a sentient A.I that supplied Neo with the laboratories research material and stated that it would self destruct to protect the city. Feeling sympathy for it Neo copied the A.I and took it along as he escaped with the survivors through the elevator shaft.

Meanwhile Justice stayed at the entrance to prevent any of the Greti from getting through. Using his AEA semi automatic he held off the invading Greti from a distance for some time until they began using the bodies of there own comrades as shields to reach him. Switching to his klien form and using its electrified armor to hold them off he kept the entrance way open long enough for Neo and the survivors to escape. Nearly out of time before the base was to self destruct a large Greti mutation tried to follow after which Justice fought off and killed, escaping shortly before the place was lost. However not before aquiring a number of the Gretis for study later.

The two reached the Jarian base and by unleashing the Greti swarm on the monsters to support them they were able to turn the tide of battle. However Lori had lost conciousness, drained from her use of magic. Before they could begin persuit of Shroud a samurai by the name of Loryn apeared and ran him through with her sword. Saying she was a friend of Loris she offered her aid in helping the poor girl. Accepting her aid she ordered Neo and Justice to defend the base while she went to find a cure with Loryn.

Shortly after leaving the base they came upon Raziel who was confronting a man who claimed to serve a demon lord by the name of Memnon. A bitter enemy of Raziels. Discovering that he had taken over the Tryvan base and all of its people are missing Lutia joined Raziel in his expedition to the Tryvan base to ensure that Tryvans equipment did not fall into the wrong hands. Once there They divided themselves into two groups, Loryn and Lutia went down to the lower levels to secure the Tryvan weapon vault and send all of its equipment to the Jarian base while Raziel searched the upper levels in search of this Memnon. Eventually Loryn and Lutia reached the vualt and began sending all possessions into the Jarian base as Raziel met Memnon and did battle with him before the demon lord retreated.

The group spent much time searching the city for a cure to Loris illness they finaly came upon a treatment that would allow for her consciousness to slowly recover itself over time. With Loris condition no longer critical the group continued business as normal. The base repairs were completed and the duty of sealing up the dangerous weapons of the city continued. Neo, finally free from his work on the base turned to an alien tank the size of the average person and began rebuilding it to house the A.I from the research facility. Once this was accomplished the A.I became Neos lab assistant. Justice meanwhile began work on the Jarian defenses radically upgrading them with his alien technology.

Two countries erupted into war trying to lay claim to many of the city districts to give themselves an upper hand on there oponent. The Jarians and the Hunter clan putting aside there differences worked to combat this invasion. Raziel and Justice headed the Jarian efforts and began to take the upper hand.

Loryn was patrolling the Mecha Main street when a local hothead one Erk lock challenged her to a duel citing a great dislike for governments. Lori seemingly awakening from her coma like magic journeyed to the main street and made arrangements with this Erk lock. He was a talented mechanist and veteran in past wars. Once he saw the light h readily agreed to serve the Jarian cause as defender of the Mecha MS district.

The battle against the two factions was in there favor as they had been beaten back to the industrial areas. With Hunter clans assistance they were successful in stopping this bloody confrontation. However Justice, Raziel and the Hunter mercenaries were pulled into the Dungeon square where they came under attack from the forces within which were led by a multi dimensional being known as Nexus that had a great dislike for the Jarians. weary from there battle the Jarians within nearly fell but pulled through when strange new allies came to the scene. A dwarf by the name of Nemo Goldenaxe and a golem called Curvo for lack of an actual name. They beat back the nexus long enough to escape from the Dungeon Square.

Later, Lutia met with the Kanareshii leader Cadwallander Whataname. A small clan that was loved by the people and controlled vast territories. An alliance was made between them allowing the Jarians to use the Kanareshii land in exchange for policing there streets and keeping the peace.

Justice received instructions to recover a UFO that crashlanded on an island off the coast. Accepting this mission he soon discovered that the island rendered technology and presumably magic useless. Fortunatly his telekinetic talents were unfazed as he quickly learned that the island itself hated visitors.
Using his abilities to the limit he lifted the space craft from the island into the ocean where it drifted for several miles until it locked in place and took the apearance of an Island Resort.

One day a report came in concerning a vicious entity prowling Blue Rose lane that feasted on magic. With other Jarians busy Lutia went herself in search of this threat and came upon Chase, a talented illusionist who was atempting to fight off the creature. With his assistance the battle was won and the spirit entity sealed away. Impressed with Chase's ability Lutia offered him a position among the Jarians which he accepted.

Another celebration was under way within the city as a grand party was held at the Plushie Palace. Being personally invited Lutia attended the party with Justice, Neo and the A.I. It was quite unusual as a number of less scrupulous people such as the Lich king and Desta Onsevine broke out into histeria over some of its events.
Toward the end of it however a well coordinated attack began.

Data towers and a resurrected Shroud pooled there resources and began attacks upon Jarian territories and attempted to assassinate its members. Lori and Loryn for reasons unknown turned traitor and locked away the Jarian base before leaving the city for parts unknown.
Data tower agents astruck during the Plushie Palace Party and intended to assasinate the Jarians leader not realizing the ramifications of beginning an attack in a room filled with some of the cities most powerful figures they were quickly disassembled.
Without the Jarian resources on hand Lutia led her group to Mecha MS district to assist in the battle. Shroud was there with a monstrous swarm attempting a mass genocide of its populace. Erk was just barly holding off the Tenth Sea Librarian when Lutia brought reinforcements and managed to stemi the attack. ISA made an appearance and after leveling the remainder of Shrouds forces offered an alliance with the Jarians which Lutia accepted out of gratitude.

Viva returned to the city on the eve of this attack and imediently came under attack from Data tower assailants. after fighting off this enemy force he made he searched for any Jarian survivors and found many of them in Mecha MS district where he assisted in the reconstruction effort.

With the Jarian headquarters lost many of the Jarian magic and technology was rendered useless. Who was alive and who was dead was a mystery and communication was cut off. Assisted by Raziel and Chase Lutia searched the city for a means of restoring the Jarian base, coming under attack from a number of people along the way who hoped to take this opertunity of weakness as a chance to extinguish the Jarian forces forever. Among these attackers was a group of ninjas who bore the Hunter Clan insignias. Among there number was one who was turned into a plushie during there assult upon the Jarians and joined them knowing she would be killed for failing her mission otherwise.
Finally Lutia discovered the means of restoring the base lie scattered about the city. When the Jarian base was lost the door fragmented into many parts and now rested within the city. The only means of discovering the location of the door pieces was an artifact held deep within the Doublass University.

Stocking up on supplies in the marketplace in preparation for there expedition into the Doublass University Lutia was greeted by the head of the Merchants guild who desired Lutia's judgment on two vagabonds.
There names were Sam and Mack and they had assaulted one of the merchants which led to a large brawl in which a number of people were injured and millions were lost in damages and merchandise.
Taking pity on the two she placed them under her care to work off the damages they have caused, thus avoiding the hangman's rope.
However the merchants insisted upon laying a curse upon the two that would cause pianos to fall on them should they ever try to escape.
Sam seemed to take this stoically while Mack had steam coming out of his ears.

The group reached Doublass University and decided that Mack and Sam should stand guard outside while the others journeyed within. They were soon separated however as Lutia was forced to attend classes Chase and Raziel were put through a series of trials. along the way Lutia acquired a companion by the name of Gren a type of armored fire elemental.

Outside Mack and Sam came under attack from the Shroud who was persistent in his endeavor to destroy the Jarians.Fortunately the two were talented dance summoners and used team work to beat the Shrouds monsters down before he could summon whole armies

Lutia finally reached the artifact discovering that the doors were located within the minds of certain clan leaders. However immediately after discovering there identities the Doublass defenses sent her to a random location in the city. Knowing to enter the minds of those notable individuals Lutia would need assistance she searched the city and came upon Nicalin Archer the former minion of the dark lord Kren. She possessed great powers of the mind and was willing to assist Lutia for the right price. Joining her group was a young girl who claimed she was a boy and turned into a clam and one Barrington Steele who was more than he appeared.

They journeyed first to the island resort where some still active Jarian defenses had recovered a comatose Afos, leader of the tenth sea librarians. Along the way the young girlwhose name was Haru seemed quite enthusiastic about things and quick tempered. She joined the Jarians possibly without realizing what he agreed to.
Using her talents Nicalin entered the mind of Afos with Barington and Lutia in tow and after a small adventure finaly unearthed the door from Afos's mind.
During this Haru turned into a clam and met an undesirable alchemist who turned her once more into a boy. They had an interesting conversation which suggested that he was quite familiar with her.

Meanwhile having held off another invading force of Data towers Viva was devising a means of securing the Jarians when the city became embroiled in the clone wars. Viva assisted in this situation and attempted to save the Library with no gratitude for his efforts.
When the strange war had ended Viva decided to create a temporary stronghold at the site of the Naga Scales. A popular water hole for information, a ride to the higher reaches of the city and a popular Jarian sponsored locale before it was destroyed in the clone wars.
Using his ancient technology he rebuilt the place and endeavored to make contact with other Jarians.

Having recovered the door from the librarians mind safely and sent him on his way the group headed next in search of Cadwallander unknowingly leaving Haru behind who was somehow sent by cannon travel to the Trans formations where he was put through many excruciating, embarrassing, humiliating and down right undesirable events.

Back at Mecha MS district Erk had fortified the districts defenses keeping it safe from another invasion. he met a young vampire by the name of Haru Lamia (not to be confused by the boy with the same name) who became smitten with him and came to be his assistant. She ended up becoming his partner in protecting the district from trouble.

Raziel and Chase finally breaking free from the cursed university met up with Mack and Sam outside who be then were putting on a show for the students to pass the time. As they were leaving they met a young witch by the name of Najah who offered her help along the way. The group were contacted by Viva who told them to head to the Naga Scales with some handy directions.

Having finaly found the second door fragment Lutia, Nicalin and Bari entered the mind of the helpful Cadwallander whose mind held the next piece. His mind had the apearance of a distant city that was embroiled in was with many planes flying overhead.
With this piece of the door found Lutia will be one step closer to restoring the Jarian Base

With most of the Jarians gathered together Viva began to make a plan of action when circumstances forced him to head for the Bathouse where a malignant force was bringing spiritual decay upon the area. After some clever thinking he handled the problem and was rewarded with a health treatment that took fourteen hours to complete.

Justice having narrowly survived the data tower attacks had been searching the city for his fellow members with only a small number of his defense droids remaining with him when he found Haru who bore the Jarian symbol on his back being carried off. However this was the Trans Formations and it was a difficult tirade. In the end they escaped from the strange place with only one of Justice's droids intact, now in the form of a flamingo that Justice used as a trusty stead. The two began traveling across the city in search of other Jarians.

Viva, Raziel, Chase and a guest from the Kanareshii house by the name of Kite were at the Naga Scales when they recieved a ransom note demandingg the Jarians weapon vault in exchange for there islands return. The Island Resort aparently had been taken over by an invading amphibious army from space. With a daring plan the four infiltrated the island planning to free it from the invaders control.

The battle for the island was won thanks to Lutia's timely arrival.
With the alien invading force made subservient to the Jarians, Lutia was finally able to restore the Jarians to their original glory thanks to the efforts of Record.
Presently the Jarians are trying to repair the damage done in their absence and with its new members, make it better than before.