Okay, so I was at a Relay For Life a few weeks ago with some of my friends. (relay 4 life is a cancer walk) We were waiting for our schedualed turn to walk so we decided to tell ghost stories. I was the only one there who believes or is interested in spirits and ghosts. It was my turn to tell a story, so i picked one off the top of my head. I'd made this up, here was my story - (as all stories do, it started with "once upon a time")

Once upon a time there was a young girl. She was an orphan, and lived alone but for her caretaker, Mrs. Caroline Flatts, in the local orphanage near the Rocky Mountains. One day another young girl came to live at the old orphanage. The two girls quickly became friends, and spent all their time together. One night the first girl woke up to a buzzing sound and a strange red light flashing. She peeked over her bunkbed railing caustiously. When she saw the other girl, horns and a pointed tail glowing red, and mouth foaming, she screamed. The demon looked up and instantly the young girl shot up in flames. (and to end my story...) They say that sometimes, if you visit the old orphanage near the Rockies, you can still hear that little girl, screaming in terror and agony. . .

As i was telling my story i was laughing on the inside at my friends emotions. But when i got to the part about the demon, to my eyes the tent tinted red. My friends no longer looked like my friends. They looked beaten and wary and behind them was a small red light, dancing and screeching it's victory. Once i'd finished my story and slapped "The End" on it, my vision blurred and dissappeared for a moment. Then my friends began to clap and everything was back to normal.

So tell me, please, what do you think went on?
What was I seeing and why?
Why didn't my friends notice?