Technology in Prometheus

Prometheus is one of the most advanced cities of our age. Their technology surpasses most of the known world - our advancements in the mechanical arts have exploded in the last century - sometimes literally. I shall endeavor to speak on some of the highlights of our scientific prowess.

Ah, weaponry. I still miss the feel of having a sword hilt in my hand, or feeling the solid buck of the Negotiator...I beg your pardon, I digress. Perhaps weaponry is the least advanced of our technologies, you would say. Most of us still fight with the bladed and blunt weapons that our ancestors would have used. However, recent advancements in our weaponry - namely the construction of "cartridges" and both "repeating rifles" and "revolvers", have created a breakthrough. Previous to this, most weapons would not reload sufficiently quickly to be of any use at range, or they could not penetrate the thick armor that troops so often wear. Now, with a firearm that can deal out death so much more simply at great range, our wars have gotten shorter and bloodier. I personally think it's an improvement.

The mighty airship. Need I say more? Surely you have seen one of the great ships, flying like a mighty bird of prey overhead. The sheer beauty of an airship, the feeling of awesome power at the helm of one of these titans of our world, are some of my sweetest memories. I still long for the days when I soared free above the clouds aboard my own. These great ships are kept aloft by a compressed gas stored within the decks, and controlled chiefly by means of great propellers.

Most of our power comes from the sun - collectors composed of dark and lifeless sungems are placed in broad swathes upon the ground. After a few days of soaking up the sun's rays, they become the beautiful and sparkling energems, which grant us much of our power, when properly handled. These jewels are prized - the smaller the better, and the harder to handle.