Before you stands a regal desk, sunk deep in velvet carpet. The surface, constructed of burnished dark-colored wood, gleams in the soft candlelight. A small amount of clutter is scattered across the desk; the great Tome in which Le'Minz records his thoughts lies chained to the desk, a sturdy lock keeping it firmly shut, and a stick of sealing wax lies next to several rolls of parchment. A quill pen tilts jauntily in the mouth of an amber inkwell. A soft smell of pipe smoke wafts about the desk, lending the space much the same comfortable, warm smell as its occupant.

Seeing you approaching, Le'Minz looks up and smiles. His face is still largely smooth, unlined by the years, save the small wrinkles at the corners of his tired eyes. His glowing eyes sparkle behind thick spectacles, perched low on his severe, hawked nose. His blond hair, carelessly ruffled, is touched at the temples by streaks of grey. His lean build suggests an active life that belies his current surroundings. Noticing your scrutiny, he winks and sets down his quill.

"What can I do for you, young one?" he asks, his soft rich voice immediately washing away your apprehension.

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