Contra is one of the best games on that good ol' NES except one thing always caught my attention. The MILITARY, sends TWO MEN, to defeat ALIENS, wearing TIGHTS



other than that, those guys are BAD***! even though they die in one hit and most people give them 30 lives, they got... THE SPREADER! Yes, being able to magically shoot 3 bullets that spread out and kill loads of people... yeah, it's that cool (until you shoot your eye out pirate ).

Once you kick that heart thing's ***, you get... a really bad ending. The island blows up and you leave on a helicopter... wow. That's not even it! after that, you get the message:

congratulations! You've destroyed the vile red falcon and saved the universe. Consider yourself a hero.

I bet that's how really bad superheroes were invented (YIPEE! I'M A HERO NOW!) god...

Well, that's all! I know, It's pretty fast for a review but that's how I review, the big picture, and not too many details. These are so fast, I do them every week so log on next week for... um... give me a week to think about it...