hello, my name is the lolinator. i have quite a bit of knowledge of ghosts, demons, spirits and the supernatural. this is my guide on ghosts and supernatural beings, info on them and how to vanquish/help them.

spirits are almost always harmless. they are just ghosts that have gotten lost, or unfinished business here on earth. the best thing to dois try to communicate with them and see what they want, need or if they are just lost.

poultergeists are just mischeivous spirits who are looking for a good scare or joke. although most poultergeists go too far and end up hurting and somethimes even killing people. therefore you should vanquish these spirits as quickly as possible.
always carry a cross and/or bible with you and when the poultergeist is near say "im the name of jesus christ, leave me alone!" (say this VERY firmly and strictly, remaining in controll. na dwatch your back! these misjeavous creatures are very sneaky!

shadow folk
shadow folk are normally evil spirits out to hurt or kill you. vanquish IMMEDIATELY.
1. same method as poltergeist
2. exorcism
3. get a priest

evil spirits from hell. GET RID OF IMMEDIATELY!
1. get a priest to vanqish the demon
2. ghosthunters
3. create a pentagram, lure the demon to it and say "in the name of jesus christ, the holy father and all that is good, leave my home and go back to where you came!" (make sure you have some protection E.G a cross/bible.

ghost animals
normally sent from heaven/hell as a warning.
1. a white dove circling someone who is old/sick in the air means that person is most likely going to die.
2. sighting a black dog (most of the time growling) indicates something bad happening.

if you have any problems please PM me for advice or what to do.