Steinise (pronounced Stine-eyes): A snowy, mountainous region a ways North of Prometheus city. Steinise is a wild land with moderate animal life and dense evergreen forests, and the people generally live in village communes named after their temple.
Isslekt: What the people of Steinise call themselves, roughly translating into "ice kin". The Isslekt are a pale-skinned people with usually white or blond hair. They usually don't vary in size much, with common adults being between 5'10" and 6'4". It's quite rare to see a skinny Isslekt, they're usually muscular or a bit on the husky side.
Ymirise: Ymirise, roughly translated, means Giant of Ice, hence the temple the commune is surrounded by is rather large and somewhat ornate, decorated in mainly blue grays, whites, and silvers but occasional golds. Like the other communes, the people of Ymirise accept outsiders from the other communes as family, thus making the Isslekt essentially one people divided by the terrain. The societies function primarily on the use of energems in the temples, but there is limited steam tech used as well.
Angellus Order: Named after an ancient Isslekt hero, a selfless knight who cared for his people above all else and initially established the order. The rulers of the individual communes and the greater Isslekt society, the Angellus Order is made up of priests and holy warriors who have proven their mettle and risen above the average Isslekt, proving themselves with skill (in the case of the warriors, with their combat abilities and some proficiency in their aura; in the case of priests, extreme aura and magical proficiency along with a strong sense of wisdom). The Angellus Order believe in strong social values, believing that the society should be above the individual. Where the Hand of Angellus, the holy warriors, fulfill the role of guardians, the Voice of Angellus are the true ruling body, leading with wisdom and a greater knowledge.

Steinise is the intellectual property of Sylvir Fenrir