World Geography and Culture

Class Introduction:
The clean, organized room stood in stark contrast to the disheveled man who operated within it. He sat at his desk, a cigar identical to those smoked by Headmaster Le'Minz resting in his mouth. Tendrils of smoke floated up from the glowing, red-orange tip. He stands and lets out a low grumble.

"This is not an easy class," he finally says. "I am not an easy teacher. If you're here because you think this'll be just some easy grade, well, you're in for quite the wake-up call." He paces back and forth behind his desk, taking a drag from the cigar. "This is a serious class, and I'll let you know now that I don't appreciate it when people don't take it seriously. In fact, I may be the harshest teacher you'll ever have in your life. Now then, with the formalities out of the way, I am your professor, Geoffrey Michaels. Welcome students, and I do use that term lightly, to World Geography and Culture."

Class Description:
World Geography and Culture is meant to teach just that, the geography and, most importantly, culture of the various nations and peoples in the world of Aura Academy. Various texts will be provided in order to provide the students with materials covering the current subject at hand (the rate at which the subjects change will be determined later). After two subjects have been completed, there will be an exam on what has been reviewed, leading to a comprehensive final exam covering aspects of every culture at the end of the term.

This class is discussion based. Since cultures are steeped in religion and art, these topics, as they pertain to their given cultures, will be discussed in class and extra credit may be given based on the discussions. By the end of this class, students will be expected to exhibit a thorough understanding of these cultures and their respective geographies (information will be posted in the library as the course is covered).

Application for the Class:
As in Serenus' magic class, to apply simply post an OOC post stating you'd like to join. Due to the fact that this will be a thoroughly discussion based class, I will only be accepting 10 students. If a student drops or is removed from the class for whatever reason and a slot is available then applications will be accepted. Note that if a student joins at any point past the first exam, they will be given a crash course with a comprehensive exam of the info covered up to that point.
0/10 students

Grading Scale/Exam Info:
The exams at the end of each subject will be 12 question exams covering 6 main points from each subject. The final exam will consist of 40 questions and will be comprehensive from the whole term. Homework will be up to you to finish and, with the exception of extra credit, will be readings from the handouts.

The grading scale is as follows:
B- 89-80%
F-59% or less

Grade breakdown is as follows:
-10% Attendance: This is a discussion heavy class. Attendance is extremely important (minimum 1 post daily). Consecutive failure to attend will result in removal from the class.
-30% Participation: As important as attending the class is, participation is key to the discussions (engage in discussions, posting opinions & ideas from your character's perspectives). Complete lack of participation will result in automatic failure of the class.
-20% Exams: The bi-subject exams make up a large portion of the final grade. This percentage will be based on your scores.
-40% Final: Comprehensive final covering the entirety of the course. Failure to attend the final will result in automatic ejection from the class.
-Extra credit: Extra credit will come into play if an exam is missed. Based on the extra credit, exam scores can be made up as an automatic C. Exceptionally well done pieces of EC will get higher grade boosts, up to a B maximum. EC will also come into play if you are on the border of a higher grade (I.E. 79%C will be boosted to 80%B). To turn in EC, PM me with the title of the assignment and EC in your message title.

There is no official text for this class. Texts will be handed out (posted here using the Document post style). Most test questions will come from the handouts.

Student Grades: