
The Introduction

A world where the demon and humans can live together in peace; however the world never stays the way we want it too. Over a thousand years ago the King of the Black Blood made a treaty with the humans stating peace between the two races. The humans were over joy to hear they will be able to live without fear. The demons on the other hand hated the idea that they had to be kind to the humans, but they couldn’t go by their king word. A three hundred years has pass since the treaty and soon enough the demons got use to it; however in one night it all changed.
The King of the Black Blood was murder. The son of the King announced that the humans were the ones who did it hoping they could rule over the demons themselves. The demon went on a rampage and killed many of humans in act to find the killer, but there was no trace. Since then the demons hated the humans and the humans hated the demons. The pass king son took the throne and became known as the ‘Savior of the Black Blood.’
It has been seven hundred years since that day and it the history of that day was forgot. All the humans and current demons know that they hate each other with a burning passion, but the humans fear the demons more than hate them. Humans waited for a savior to protect them from this fear. This is where the new story will take place telling the tale of the saviors who will change everything.


To Note that Chapters are actually a whole episode of an anime.