Another school year has come and gone, and with it a small fragment of my childhood. When I came into the huge hallway that is the School Time, I had no idea what I'd go through, and I was eager to get to the other side. I was so young and... naive.

Now though, I look upon the exit to this School Time in horror, for I now know that to leave will be to leave a part of me behind. The part of me that is fearless and carefree. My self t the age of five and younger.

Thankfully, this building, this School Time allows us a break in between the stripping away of childhood. Why they give us this break, I do not know. But during this time new memories take the place of those from our childhood that have been stripped away. For this, I am thankful.

Now, during this small break I realize that I am nearing the exit to this first half of School Time, to the first half of the removal of my childhood. Now,I fervently wish that I could turn back the clock to when I first entered; so that I may never have entered. I am frightened of reaching the exit, why was I ever so joyous to go towards it in the first place?
Please, tell me what you thought of this. I would appreciate your honest feedback, good or bad. I'm not used to writing something like this.