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Steps on How to Become Crew

1. Activity
You must be a regular
Atleast 1000 post total in the guild. But more posts will be better.
You must be at least a member of Elf Palace for atleast 1-2 Months.
You must enjoy hanging out around the Elf Palace's atmosphere.

2. Friendliness
You have to be nice, helpful and courteous to the current members and crew of the guild.
Welcoming new members, helping out guild members, and being cool to others will get the crew to notice you more.
Also have fun!

3. Respect
This will be the hardest step and the most important. You must have the right attitude. This will includes being friendly and active. Being respected by other guild members will be a plus. Respect to the guild and guild crew will also be a plus. You must prove through your actions that you care about the guild as a community and as well as the individual people inside it. You must show an aspiration to further making Elf Palace a great place to be and a fun, loving place. Also, help the guild grow, not just in size but in everything.

Hints for you:

*Asking to become a crew will not work out.
*The crew will be watching so don't go out there and prove to us that you did all the steps. The crew will know if you are ready and prepared to be a crew.
*Bribing us won't let you become a crew
*Making us crew to your guild wont give you more chance to be a crew in this guild.

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