Surprised that there really is a plot going on? Well there is and it starts in the Burning Plains, then it went to the poke center then to Anikas lab and now the Park where it is currently at.

I'll update this soon with Information on the plot (page numbers where they started and stop and such)

The plot first starts in the Burning plains on page 357, Robert and Cronis are training their pokemon there and run into each other through a pack of Houndoom and Houndour, they end up asking for help to try and solve why the food is disappearing from the plains.

Then heads to the pokecenter on page 16, a Houndour gets injured from a battle with a Snorlax that Robert catches with his masterball, they go to the pokecenter to get it healed and promises to bring the pup back to the pack.

Then to Professor Anikas Lab on the first page to find out whats wrong with the Snorlax, a Vileplume uses sleep powder and everyone end up falling asleep and someone steals the Snorlax and Houndour, Robert and everyone chases after but they teleport away with a Gallade.

Then to the Field on page 24, more chasing of the unseen thife and their pokemon, end up meeting a Abra who tells them that they teleported away even further, but offers to teleport them to the spot where they teleported to, they meet Vincavec who joins them to retrieve the Houndour.

Abra teleported them to the Unknown forest's edge, and pointed them in the right direction, end up meeting Pern who also wants to help.