Blinded Walls In VirtuaLight
I'm just really pissed off right now, so it's not exactly my best work.
The last stanza is a message, that's why it doesn't 'rhyme'

I know how the story goes
Girls meets boy she doesn't know
Befriends and quickly thinks she's in love
That is stupid, hun

You've just separated from somebody again
Given yourself no time to get
A little time off from the drama you've caused
That is wrong.

Don't call me a hypocrite, I waited a time
Until I was with this new person I love to call mine
When I met somebody in virtuaLight
Do you remember the distress in strife?

Oh, how I hated myself because I couldn't see them
And I wanted my life to end
But you don't even wait a week
Do you think before you speak?

You better listen up when I say you've gone too far
Not even I would allow myself to become who you are
I'm going to tell you straight up what I see of you
You are a poser.

Every move I make, you put into your own words
Doesn't only annoy me, but hurt
Because you are trying to take my identity
Stop trying to be me.

No matter how much you tell me you aren't trying to be like me
I know you are, don't deny the truth
Be who you are. I'm not being anybody but myself
That's why I am the way I am
Because I am me
And until you do, don't expect mercy.