Welcome to our Word Games subforum! Here in S.W we've sectioned off a place for everyone to have fun with various games set up for you, or to create your own games and activites. Here's a list of things you're all expected to post exclusively in this particular subforum:

• Rolling dice games
• Random number games
• Word games
• Other user-made games

Now, as long as the following rules are followed when posting in this forum, there will be no problems. If you are ever unsure of what you can or can't post in here from what's been listed above, please PM either a crew member or myself. We'll try to respond as soon as possible with an answer.

• Make Your Rules Clear: When you create a game, you must clearly post the rules and workings of your game, preferably in the first post of the thread. They need to be easy to read and easily understood. You are also obligated to answer any questions that arise concerning your game.

•You Are Responsible For Your Game: If you decide to create a game here, you must know that you will need to handle anything that has to do with it. If any amount of participants get into an argument of any sort (for whatever reason), it's your responsibility to solve the problem however you can. But, if it becomes necessary to get crew member assistance, don't hesitate to do so.

• Stick To The Game: If you're participating in a game with someone who you decide you want to talk with, you can do so only if it doesn't affect the game. If you're not the only ones actively playing, please take your conversation to either PMs or the Spam subforum. Just don't disturb others who are trying to participate. All posts within a game thread must remain relevant to the game that's being played.

• No Duplicate Game Threads: Before you create a game, check through the ones made already to make sure someone else hasn't already made it. If it's already been done, and the game doesn't seem to be active anymore, PM one of your subforum moderators for permission to re-create the game.

• All Guild Rules Apply: As with any other subforum, all guild rules must be followed.

Any and all members found breaking any of the rules above will be either warned or banned, depending on the severity of the breaking.