This subforum will be reserved for serious, extended discussions. It will be the only place in the guild where random silliness is not allowed. This is in order to facilitate proper discussion and avoid the inevitable change of topic that occurs in every thread in this guild. 3nodding

Follow the ToS, be nice, don't spam, don't post anything unrelated to a topic in its thread, don't take any criticism too personally, and try not to be too harsh, while still being honest. I know, this will be difficult, but I will not allow discussions to degenerate into anger-fueled arguments. A proper debate is fine, but there will be no malice in Veni Vidi Vici. If you feel that you can no longer participate in a discussion due to personal feelings, say so. Everyone will understand. Or else. xd

Have fun! Or, uh...enjoy the discussions, anyway. whee