Hiya! Name's Ilana IllaRouge, and if you couldn't guess from the topic heading, I'm a writer.

I've started a profile on FurAffinity, if y'all have ever heard of it, and I want to break into the fur-community as a writer (Go figure, eh?). But trying to get big in that community is a little slow.

So! I've decided to utilize a community that I've been with for far longer: the Gaia community.

At the moment, for writing commissions, I'm willing to do about anything for free (also called a 'request'), but I would not mind receiving payment as well (but that's a discussion left to the PMs). I won't solicit money, but as a fellow artist on FA said, with incentive, the commission will be far better done and better detailed.

So, I throw myself to you, the Gaian furry community. Message me with your requests/commissions, and I'll get to work on them straight away! I'll post all finished projects on FurAffinity, but I ask that you start a profile on there and Watch/Favorite/Comment on my work. Also, if the piece is of any sort of adult nature, you'll need one anyway to view it.

I thank you for your time, and I pray that you'll call on me to use my skills. I wish to make a career out of this one day, so help a poor, furry writer out. ^_^

With much love to my fellow furry-brethren, -sistren, and -hermaphren,

Ilana Inlavuku IllaRouge

P.S. I ask that you keep this forum (Art Page) open so that I may post my my finished, in-progress, and planned works (hopefully with links soon).