Well there's this type of roleplay
that I like to introduce
(im Vice Captain so if u need help i will be glad to help)

It's called Murder and below are the rules that you should read before playing:
Before Joining a Game

Please note, most games we've had at this point have been about two hours and forty-five minutes. Games are meant to be played in one sitting, so if you can't commit a good three hours please don't sign up. All the players need to be there for the whole game, or else it doesn't work.

The Basic Game Structure: THE RULES

Firstly, if you have questions within the game, review the rules or PM the proctor. Sometimes if you ask within the role play out of character, you may unintentionally reveal whether you're the killer or a civilian to other players!

Someone posts a game as a thread in the forum. Each game will have a story and a profile skeleton.

The person who creates the story will be the game's proctor. Basically, they're the games supervisor. Keep in mind, while the proctor participates in the role play, the proctor cannot be the killer nor can they be killed.

Use the skeleton to make a profile. PM it to the proctor.

Then post in the role play. You're not counted in the game until you've posted in the role play, even if the proctor puts up your profile.

When the proctor decides there are enough players (Usually five or more people, excluding the proctor) the game is closed, and this should be designated in the title of the thread.

The proctor will randomly choose a killer. If you are the killer, you will be pm'd. If you do not receive a pm from the proctor, then you are a civilian.

The killer will pm the proctor with who they will kill.

The proctor will in turn pm the victim and inform them they are dead.

The victim must immediately post a "death post," and then they can no longer post in the game.

Do not PM any of the other players during the game. This is to make sure players don't cheat and find out whether you are a killer or a civilian outside of the game. If you have questions, pm the proctor.

After the first victim is killed, the civilians can accuse someone as the killer. They should do this within the role play in character.

The killer cannot strike until an accusation is resolved.

If a civilian makes a correct accusation, then the civilians have won.

If they are incorrect, the accuser must die, and post a standard death post.

The killer can't kill again until there have been three posts after a "death post," whether the death was inflicted by a killer or by a wrong accusation.

If the killer continues to murder until there is only one civilian left, then the killer has won. (Remember, the proctor does not count as a civilian.)

And of course, be literate, keep it PG-13 and obey Gaia TOS.

After the Game

What happens after the winner has been declared depends on the story. If the civilians won, capture the killer! If the killer has won, they can kill whoever is left (within the role play, they don't have to pm the proctor anymore) and/or escape, whatever floats their boat.

But the killer should always explain their motives. biggrin That's the best part. Come up with a good story!

Here is our Guild:

MURDER! is now a guild! Come join us! Die where it's fun!

We have two upcoming games

Haunted House - Game 32 (August 10,2009 - click on link to check the time)

Karate - Game 33 (August 12, 2009 - click on link to check the time)

And if you guys aren't interested in this type of roleplaying
then talk about other roleplaying ^^