On this forum you can post:
Fan Fictions

- Use proper spellings
- Dont be a spell checker or a grammar one
- Please don't be racist or political

Age Groups:
Does you're item include bad language or Sexual themes?
If so, please follow this guid.

U=Universal - Contains no bad language or sexual themes.

PG=Parent Guide - Best to be read under the guidance of an adult. May scare or not be right for little children.

12=Best for peoples of 12 and up - Contains some language, but not alot and maybe a small amount of sexual themes.

15= Not suitable for peoples under 15 - High in language and/or sexual stuff.

18= Not for people under 18 - Extrem Language and Sexual Themes.

You're topic title must look like this:
Item name here - Subject - Age group

Where it says name you must post the name of you're story.
Subject: Poem, Story, Fanfic, Lyrics.
Age group: You see the things in blue above? Post that to say what age group it for. We don't want an eight year old in a 18s topic.

EDIT: We do not class kissing sexual themes but you can if you want to.