The City of Allebasi floats, carried by the wind and the water, on the surface of Allebasi Lake. Allebasi Lake, the largest lake on the contenent, spans one hundred sixty miles. Outside the city, the world is war torn and chaotic, but here, we are safe. Allebasi flourishes, supporting homes, buisnesses, skyscrapers, schools, a palace, and whole forests on it’s floating blocks.

Allebasi is a self contained city, with a twenty foot high wall surounding it, and an indepentent government. The City is ruled primarily by the King and his family, though he does have three councils: a panel of advisors that he has had picked, a council of Nobilty (Dukes, Lords, Earls, and such) to represent the nobles’, and a council of Commeners made up of elected officials to represent the common people of the city. In addition, there is a police force and justice system very similar to the one in place in our world.

Here is the main topic!

Happy RPing!