Description Words
Author: Original by by Final Nova, Red, and Kimi, editing by Kilarra

If you have any words that you think should be on the list, PM me
These words should help you describe your character and their surroundings.

      »» • Black:
      charcoal, coal, dusky, ebon, ebony, jet, livid, murky, obsidian, onyx, pitch, pitch-dark, raven, sable, shadowy, slate, sooty, starless, swart

      »» • Blue:
      azure, beryl, cerulean, cobalt, indigo, navy, royal, sapphire, teal, turquoise, ultramarine

      »» • Brown:
      amber, auburn, bay, beige, brick, bronze, buff, burnt sienna, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, copper, drab, dust, ecru, fawn, ginger, hazel, khaki, mahogany, nut, ochre, puce, russet, rust, sepia, snuff-colored, sorrel, tan, tawny, terra-cotta, toast, umber

      »» • Gold:
      aureate, auric, auriferous, aurous, aurulent, blond, blonde, caramel, dusty, flaxen, gold, golden, honeyed, mellow yellow, ochroid, straw, tan, tawny, wheat

      »» • Gray:
      ash, ashen, clouded, dappled, dove, drab, dusky, dusty, grey, heather, iron, lead, leaden, livid, oyster, pearly, peppery, powder, shaded, silvered, silvery, slate, smoky, somber, stone

      »» • Green:
      apple, aquamarine, beryl, chartreuse, emerald, fir, forest, grass, jade, lime, malachite, moss, olive, pea, peacock, pine, sage, sap, sea, spinach, viridian, willow

      »» • Orange:
      apricot, bittersweet, coral, peach, red-yellow, salmon, tangerine, titian

      »» • Pink:
      blush, coral, flesh, flush, fuchsia, red, rose, roseate, salmon

      »» • Purple:
      amethyst, bluish red, heliotrope, lavender, lilac, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, plum, pomegranate, reddish blue, violet, wine

      »» • Red:
      bittersweet, blood, blush, brick, burgundy, cardinal, carmine, cerise, cherry, chestnut, claret, copper, coral, crimson, dahlia, damask, flaming, florid, flushed, fuchsia, garnet, geranium, magenta, maroon, pink, puce, rose, roseate, rosy, ruby, ruddy, russet, rust, salmon, sanguine, scarlet, terra cotta, titian, vermeil, vermilion, wine

      »» • Silver:
      argent, argentate, bright, chrome, lustrous, magnum, mercury, nickel, pale, pearly, plated, silvered, silvery, sterling

      »» • White:
      alabaster, ashen, blanched, bleached, chalky, frosted, ivory, light, milky, neutral, pallid, pasty, pearly, pure, silver, silvery, snowy

      »» • Yellow:
      amber, bisque, blond, buff, cream, gold, ivory, lemon, saffron, sand, tawny

      body parts
      »» • Arms:
      appendages, fin, limb, member, wing
      »» • Eyes:
      hues, opticals, orbs, pools, spheres, windows to the soul
      »» • Hair:
      fiber, fluff, fringe, fur, hairstyle, lock, mane, mop, ruff, strand, tress, tuft
      »» • Hands/Fingers:
      appendages, claws, digits, paws, phalanges, talons
      »» • Face:
      appearance, expression, features, mug, profile, seeming, visage
      »» • Legs:
      appendage, column, flipper, limb, member
      »» • Wings:
      appendage, down, feathers, pinions

      »» • Clothing General:
      apparel, array, clothes, costume, covering, drapery, dress, duds, ensemble, equipment, frock, garb, garments, gear, get-up, outfit, rags, raiment, threads, ensemble, wardrobe
      »» • Jacket:
      coat, fur, hide, parka, pelt, trench, tunic
      »» • Glasses:
      bifocals, contact lenses, eyeglasses, four eyes, frames, goggles, rims, shades, specs, spectacles, trifocals, windows
      »» • Robes:
      cape, cloak, cassocks, frock, mantle, shawl
      »» • Shirt:
      bodice, bodysuit, middy, pullover, shell, slipover, t-shirt, tunic, turtleneck
      »» • Pants:
      bell bottoms, bells, bloomers, breeches, britches, chaps, cords, corduroys, denims, drawers, dungarees, jeans, knickers, overalls, pantaloons, shorts, slacks, trousers
      »» • Shoes:
      boots, flip-flops, heels, sandals, soles