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Dapper Gawker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:59 am

The war of the Anglisian's and the Herminight's was getting wild and out of control.
It would take a miracle to save the Anglisian planet Anglisia; a miracle that never happend.
Soon the Herminight's won and all lifeforms on Anglisia fled far and wide, to different planets, galaxy's even different solar systems. Many did not escape and were made slaves; slaves that were tortured, whipped and treated badly. Anglisian life had no violence, they had never been in a war before and didn't know how to fight. They had heard of wars spreading across galaxy's, and vowed that they would never be part of one. All this changed when the Herminight's came and started taking over the planet, taking family's and slaughtering millions. Very few Anglisian's survived and they are listed in the intergalactic book of endangered species.
It was the most beautiful place and was turned into a dump. The trees that would have shining red leaves on became tall twigs, the floor had no grass no living nature could survive in such a place any more. The body's of everyone who was slaughtered where just left to rot away, the planet smelt and was truly a horrific place.

One out of the many people who couldn't escape were treated very badly.
She was very pretty and forced into marrying the Herminight king's son. The king whipped her and she wad covered in cuts and bruises. This Anglisian is called Analisa.
Somehow Analisa escaped just three days after her wedding. She left her heartless husband and farther-in-law behind, along with her planet and what few friends she had.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:00 am
Chapter One
A fresh start

Analisa ended up on strange planet made up of 70 percent water, a place that amazed her.
This planet was named Earth. She fell from the sky and landed in snow, thick white snow.
This planet still has snow, she thought to herself.
A young man saw her fall and rushed to her side, she wasn't hurt due to her planets long surviving life, they could fall and not die - yet still kill them selves if intended, them being such a loving place hardly anyone ever did.
"Miss?" said the young stranger.
Analisa was shocked at his language, it sounded so - nice. With a quick listen to his speech she soon learnt his language. Realising that that would have killed and earthling she faked, being hurt; to blend in with her new hiding place.
Thee young man carried her through the thick white snow, sparkling in the sunlight. Obviously there was no civilisation out here, just worldliness, snow and more snow.
It was cold, on Anglisia, the weather was only cold on rare occasions; at the most of three times a year.
Analisa was not dressed for this sort of weather, she was in a short white dress that looked almost blue. The dress was fairly see through and you could see her underwear through it.
Never mind the fact the her outfit is see through, its how Anglisian's like to dress in day to day life, and its very pretty. Analisa's hair was a shining blue, cut short to shoulder hight; the blue faded into a glistering purple at the bottom. Her skin was slightly tanned but she looked pale compared to the young man. His was very tanned, but not too tanned, he had a proper tan; not a fake one.
It was obvious that he was not from this cold place, somewhere hotter.
"What's you're name?" he asked.
"Analisa." her voice was like a song, such melody and beauty.
"Analisa," he repeated, "I'm Jamie."
Analisa smiled at his strange name, so different to where she's from.
They carried on walking or should I say Jamie carried on walking, for ages.
It was quite with no conversation, so Analisa admired her saviour. He had longish black hair, now when I say long I don't mean girly long, just longer than most boys. And scarily enough he had blue eyes just like hers. Bright blazing blue.
He was dressed for the cold, in a thick black coat with red splotches on and trousers to match. He even had gloves to match, nearly his whole body was covered apart from his head.
Soon they got to a small town, and Jamie took her inside a house.
"Jamie, you bringing home girls now?" said a woman.
"No Mrs. Clumpson, I found her lying in the snow, dressed how she is I couldn't leave her."
The woman, Mrs. Clumpson nodded still smiling. "I shall get her some clothes."
"I already have clothes on." Analisa was slightly confused.
Jamie smiled and nodded at the lady, taking Analisa up stairs and into a room.
He placed her on a bed.
She thought about what had just happend, he found me lying in snow? she wonderer to her self. Did he not see me fall? Either this planet is dumb or my teleport blent in.
Jamie had disappeared, when he came back, he came back with a pile of clothes.
"Put these on." he said giving her the clothes.
"What do I do with the ones i'm wearing?" she asked.
"I shall put them away when you're done." he walked out to give her privacy to change.
She looked at the pile, he had given her a woolly sweater, some jeans and some socks. She disapproved of the jeans. Analisa saw a wardrobe and went over to it, inside was I nice long skirt, he wanted her to put long warm clothes on and so she did. Analisa unhooked the skirt and started changing. When she was done she opened the door and Jamie was on the other side.
"What's that."he asked.
"What the skirt?' she questioned.
"Yes I gave you trousers."
"Girls don't wear trousers, there for males." she was again confused.
He rolled his eyes, "I see, you're one of those type girls."
"What type girls?" she frowned.
"The type that are stuck in the eighteen hundreds." he chuckled.
She didn't even ask what that meant, just smiled.
Jamie looked at her clothes, he saw multiple cuts in the back of her dress.
He frowend, "Turn around." he said.
Analisa didn't ask, she just did as he said. Jamie lifted the back of top up. He gasped when he saw her back, she had lots of long red marks, whip marks from when she was whipped.
"What happened?" he asked.
"I was made a slave." Analisa replied a easy short answer.
Jamie was frowning, " By who?"
"Doesn't matter." her voice was rough, but still had such melody.
She grabbed her clothes off Jamie and put them in the wardrobe. He sighed, "I'm sorry."
Analisa never replied, she thinking of her friends still stuck on her planet, and her family that died. She stumbled back to the bed and fell on it. Jamie followed and sat next to her, placing his hands on her shoulders.
"You have permission to stay in my room with me, I have a spare bed, until you're ready to go home - where is you're home?" He offered.
"My home is far away. I'm never going back there." she replied, "I would be happy to stay here."
"Then stay, I've been living in this Inn for two years now." he smiled.
"Will the Inn keeper mind?" She asked.
"No, she asked me to tell you that 'you may stay as long as you like'." Jamie replied.
Analisa smiled, "She is very kind."
He nodded in agreement, suddenly deep in thought. "Why will you never go back home?"
She jumped at his question, hoping he hadn't just asked that. As she was going to answer the Inn keeper called, gathering people for dinner.
She felt so relived, not only because her stomach was empty, but also because she had managed to buy her some time, to think of an answer or maybe he would forget about his question, she hoped.
They ran downstairs, and Jamie led the way to the dinning room.
They sat at a long rectangular table, surrounded by many chairs. All of the chairs were empty, waiting for people to sit on them.
"Where is everyone?" Jamie asked.
"They've gone to a party apparent." The inn keeper shrugged. "Maybe you would like to join them?"
"What sort of party?" he forced.
"Oh all right! They told me not to tell you, just to make you come. Said it was a surprise-"
He cut her of saying her name, "Mrs. Clumpston."
She rolled her eyes, "Its a snowboarding party, a few drinks, food and they are throwing in a contest of some sort."
"Sure I'll go! There's a contest how can I refuse?" He laughed, "Will you come Anna?"
He happened to get no reply. "Analisa?"
"What me? My names not Anna." she moaned.
"Anna is short, you're names slightly to long for my mouth." Jamie chuckled.
"Analisa, please use my name!" She obviously didn't like the name Anna.
"Very well." he smiled, "Will you come to the party with me?"
She nodded, yes she would come. "Just give me a while."
"Okay, I will wait for you."
"No go, I will come."
Jamie nodded and Mrs. Clumpton added, "Its just outside the town."
Analisa nodded and ran upstairs.


Dapper Gawker


Dapper Gawker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:01 am
Chapter Two
Sudden Shock

She ran into Jamies room, now her room too.
Analisa grabbed her dress from the wardrobe and placed it on her lap. The back of it faced up. She placed her hand on one if the sliced and lifted it up. Her hand glue a baby purple colour and the cuts in her dress started to stick back together, soon it was fully cured. Not a mark or a slit on it.
She put it back in the wardrobe and ran back down stairs towards the door. Heading for where they were partying she strode out the door and back the way they had come.
Soon she stumbled across a patch of snow coved with tables and people.
"Analisa!" Called a familiar voice.
She raised her hand and waved, a small wave, but noticeable.
It came to her attention that there was a girl standing next to him, whispering in his ear. He had a large smile on his face.
She soon stepped away and walked off towards the drinks table. Jamie ran over to Analisa.
"This is what you call a party." He started.
"What makes it so much better than other partys?" she asked.
"This one has cake!" he smiled.
"Don't they usually?" Her brow clenched.
He laughed, "Yes but this one has Mrs. Clumpstons double chocolate brownies."
Analisa shook her head slowly and smiling, rolling her eyes at the same time.
He lead her over to the food table and then passed her two paper plates.
"Don't take to much. Oh, one plates for desert and the other for dinner." he teased.
Hey eyes scanned through what food there was on the table, wondering what it all tastes like. Out of them all she could pick out the brownies.
Grabbing a few things she placed them on her plate, not that she knew what anything was.
Analisa's dinner plate held, A small handful of wedges, some southern fried chicken, a spoons worth of beans, two bread sticks and a slice of ham and pineapple pizza. Where as her pudding one held, A brownie, some trifle and a banana. She wanted to try the whole table but didn;t knowing that would make her look like a pig and a fool in front of all these people. At that thought she grabbed a knife and fork.
As she sat down on the ice cold snow, Analisa realised that it was sunset.
The bright orange sun was setting right in front of her, turning the skies orange also. It made the snow glitter even more and made the ice patches look as if they were on fire.
Analisa jumped when she was a black figure moving on a snow hill miles in front of her. Unsure who or what it was she started to worry, maybe that had found her, the Herminights invading planet earth because of her!
She clung to Jamie's arm, her hands gripped his snow coat. Jamie's face turned pink and she turned to release her hands. She lost grip and her hands fell to the floor.
"What wrong?" he smiled, slightly amused.
How could she tell him, that she thought she saw a Herminight. He would just think she's some crazy woman. He doesn't even know she's a alien. Or at least to him she is. To her he's the alien, and so are all six billion people on this god forsaken rock. And for all she knew it wasn't a Herminight, maybe it was a human or one of them things that call 'Animals'.
Analisa was scared for two reasons, that figure in which looked like her greatest enemy. And Jamie, how could they share a room or be friends when she has so much to hide from him. Like just now, he asked her a question which she couldn't answer.
Jamie sighed, "Its okay, what ever scared you cant hurt you. I shall protect you."
"Thank-You." She replied, her voice was so quite you could barely hear her.
Jamie wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. The didn't move for over an hour, as they watched the sunset behind the mountains.
Down and down the sun went, and the orange skies became purple soon turning into a navy blue, almost black. While the sky was purple all Analisa could think of was her home planet, skies purple during the day turning almost silver at night as the moon changed the sky.
A few tears seeped out for her long and lost home. Jamie started to sooth her, rubbing his hand on her shoulder.
In the night sky they watched shooting starts fly past, the most beautiful night sky she had ever seen, and her hope was that she could see one even prettier. As they sat there on the cold snow, Analisa started to feel relaxed and happy.
Analisa had, had a long day, travailing to this planet and living on it. She had much to learn if she wanted to stay hidden.
Her eyes grew heavy and soon she fell asleep. Her head resting on Jamie's shoulder. He smiled and scooped her up. Sliding one arm underneath her legs and putting his other arm on her back. Sub conscientiously she curled her arms around his neck as he took her to their room. He placed his sleeping room mate on her bed and tucked her in under the covers.
"Sleep well, and keep warm, it gets cold here at night." He whispered knowing that she couldn't hear.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:03 am
Chapter Three
The longest night

Jamie lay on his bed sleepless, while Analisa tossed and turned in her sleep dreaming frighting things.

*The Dream*
Analisa awoken to a bright light out side the window. Jumping up the check it out she found the Jamie was no where in sight, maybe he had got up to investigate as well.
First thing she did we peck out of the window, what she saw scared her a little bit.
Analisa saw a figure the same one she had seen earlier standing in a snow hill.
He was just stood there with a light of some kind, but the light was not from earth. It was Anglisian!
Could it be that one her kind had also come to earth?
No, she knew it wasn't, she would know, she would sense it. If it wasn't an Anglisian the who was it, could it be a-
Analisa ducked and crawled rather fast towards the stairs, soon standing up and running down them. The whole place was empty. No sigh of anyone, no Mrs. Clumpston, none of the other guests and no Jamie. But Analisa knew this was no time to look for them, as long as she left this place they should be safe.
As soon as she started towards the door there was a voice behind her.
"Don't try to run darling." a familiar voice menaced.
Analisa stood still and didn't move, her heart raced and her body became stiff.
"Don't pretend I'm not here, answer me baby." he started again.
"No." she replied frightened.
She felt him smiling at her, as a shiver slid down her back.
"Well then you said something. Why did you run?" His voice became serious when he said the last sentence.
Analisa couldn't answer.
"Don't ignore me." he ordered.
With a gulp she answered his question, "Because I hate you!"
He laughed he menacing laugh. And Analisa spun around to face him, he wasn't there.
"Behind you." Again she turned to face her evil husband and he wasn't there.
Again and again she turned and he moved. Suddenly she turned and he was right in her face. Her voice became loud and a scream came out.

Jamie heard her scream and jumped up and was soon at her side by the bed.
He shook her to awake her from her dream.
"Analisa!" he said her name nice and loud.
She jumped and her heart raced. Tears were streaming down her face.
Jamie sat on her bed beside her and gave her a huge hug.
"Its okay, it was just a dream." he soothed. "You're lucky that every one here sleeps like loggs."
As much as Analisa wanted to laugh she couldn't. "It felt so real."
"I know." he hugged her tighter. "Maybe telling what happened would help, you tell me you're dream if you want to."
Analisa shook her head, "I don't want to remember it."
Jamie understood and let go of her. She was still shaking, shaking an awful lot.
He stayed on her bed with her and held her hand.
"Did i wake you?" she asked.
"Not at all I was already awake, to be honest I haven't slept a bit."
"You've been awake all night?"
He chuckled a little, "Yeah."
Trying to take her mind of the dream she tried to make conversation, "Its cold."
"Yeah it is." At this he got up and grabbed a blanket from the cupboard. Wraping it around Analisa.
"Thanks." she said in a quiet almost silent voice.
"No problem." he smiled a tiny bit.
Jamie and Analisa sat there in silence for not very long, but it was so boring it felt like ages. The dark room was so black that it was difficult to see anything. But with the blanket and Jamie close by Analisa felt warm. Anglisian's have a power, well not quite power but, they can feel other species body heat if they are near by. It was so cold that one persons heat wasn't really enough, yet she felt so warm.
Finally Jamie spoke, "Are you hungry or thirsty, Do you want anything?"
Analisa was a bit nervous to answer, as she hated asking for stuff, but, she decided to try and ask for something. "Maybe a hot drink would be good."
"Yep I agree, how about I do some hot chocolate?" he suggested.
With a nod they popped downstairs, to the kitchen. Analisa still wrapped up in the blanket.
While Jamie was getting everything ready, Analisa stood scared of her dream. She knew it was just a dream but also that it could happen. Jamie noticed that she was shaking.
"Are you still freezing?" He asked.
"No." she shook her head.
"You're scared."
She nodded with tears in her eyes and he dropped what he was doing to get by her side and hug her.
"Its okay." He whispered while holding her tight. "I won't let anything happen to you."
"Its not me I'm scared for." she muttered.
"Whats wrong then?" Jamies voice was worried.
With gulp she told him, "I'm scared for you, I'm scared for everyone in this building."
He lead her to the lounge and asked her to sit down on the sofa. "Let me just make you you're drink."
At that he went back to the kitchen.

Where were they in my dream, what if my dream happens, what if something happens to these people while I'm sleeping? all these thoughts were rushing through her head, all at the same time.
She was so scared that her head started spinning and she became dizzy, Analisa probably did the stupidest thing, she stood up. Her head spinning to fast, she lost her feet and soon fell to the floor, just catching her head on the table.
Her fall was horribly loud and then we had Jamie dropping cups in the kitchen .
This time he literally dropped stuff and whizzed into the lounge.
His heart was beating real fast, he was unsure what to do.
He picked her up carefully and placed her on the sofa, running back to the kitchen to get a bowl of freezing cold water and a towel. When he got back to the lounge he saw her not there. She was know where in sight, gone.. There was no sign of her! Another thing broke as Jamie dropped the glass bowl filled with water.
Mrs. Clumpton ran down the stairs, dressed in a pink bath robe. She was also carrying a broom.
"What's going on----"
"Ma'am Analisa just vanished"


Dapper Gawker


Dapper Gawker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:04 am
Chapter Four

Jamie couldn't stand still, he so wanted to help her and for her to be okay yet he didn't know what to do!
"Jamie stand still!" Mrs. Clumpton demanded.
He nodded but didn't answer.
"If we are going to find her I must know what happened." She was hinting for an explanation.
"We came down stairs to get a hot drink after she woke up screaming from a night mare." He then took a breath and carried on, "She started shaking and getting scared while we were down here and so I took her to the sofa. Went back to the kitchen to make the drinks and next thing you know she crashed out on the floor hit the table. I went into the kitchen to get a bowl of cold water and then she vanishes!" It was lucky that Mrs. Clumpton has been around Jamie for a while now, she is used to his fast speech so could understand what he just said better than other people would.
"Okay okay calm down." She placed both hands on his shoulders.
"There's another problem." Jamie muttered.
Clumpton raised an eye brow.
"She never talks, she didn't tell me her dream and I know nothing about her, I have no idea where to look." His eyes became wet.
"The big question is: How can an uncontentious girl get up and walk away?"
They were quite for a moment as they tried to think of ideas and explanations.
Jamie ran upstairs and grabbed her clothes, burried inside them he found a necklace. It had a fine golden chain, holding a small glistering gem, diamond by the look of it. It was very beautiful and shined rainbows on the floor when the sun light hit it. He clenched it in his hand and rushed back down stairs.
"Ma'am this is the only thing that Analisa has with her, along with her clothes." He showed her the necklace.
"Wow, that is pretty, but I don't think its much help." she admitted.
"I know." He sighed.
"I will look around the house, maybe you could hunt outside." she suggested.
At that Jamie nodded and went for the door, one push to the handle and the door opened. Leading out he saw footsteps, very deep and maybe to deep to be Analisa was so light that it would be surprising for the foot steps to be that deep.
He grabbed his jacked and strode out into the freezing cold, it was hard to see due to the snow. It was snowing so, so hard that the footsteps would be gone soon, he had to keep moving. Every now and again the imprints would wobble to the side, as if someone, became off balance. Jamie struggled through the now, looking down at the floor to follow the foot steps. He fell over a lot, stumbling in the thick white snow. He walked for what felt like ages; hunting for a lost girl who could be anywhere. Wondering whether he should have told Ella, Mrs. Clumpston, where he was going. Soon the footsteps stopped and he had come to the closest town; which was ten miles way from the tiny village he walked from. That's when he saw someone carrying a person; A person wrapped up in a blue blanket with bandage all over its head, It just had to be Analisa!
He dashed into where they had gone, a small cafe open 24/7.
As he got in there he saw Analisa laying on a red leather chair, and her kidnapper was no where in sight. Jamie sat on the chair, beside her and stroked her hair. The bandge had a dark red spot on it form where she has hit her head. Carefully he undid the knot and unwrapped it from her head to check the damage. There was nothing, no cut, no crack, completely nothing!
"What?" he muttered to him slelf.
"Who are you?" Asked a scared female voice from behind him.
He turned to face her, "You!" He said when he recognised that it was Analisa's kidnapper. The long blond hair half way down her back. The pale white skin and small figure. She looked no older than 14.
"Please leave." She sounded so scared and upset, the way her brown eyes watered suggested that she wanted to cry.
"Never." His voice surprisingly wasn't harsh. It was sort of like a loud whisper.
"You can't be here, you can't know her." she blubbered as she burst into tears.
He moved up to the end of the seat by the window and gently pulled Analisa onto his lap; supporting her, placing his arm around her shoulders and wrapping his other one around her stomach.
"I will never let her go." His voice was slightly rougher now.
The girl gave up and sat on the seat opposite. Keeping her head down and tucking her hands between her legs.
"So you know her secret?" she asked.
"What secret?" he asked.
"Oh, I guess you don't know." she sighed and whipped her eyes with her sleeve.
"Don't know what?" He was trying to force it out of her.
She shook her head, "If she can't tell you then I can't in trust you with our secret."
"Who said she didn't trust me?"
The girl didn't reply just kept her head down.
"Actually she doesn't tell me anything." He waited for a reply which he didn't get. "What's the secret about?"
"Her life, her--" she paused; Unable to say.
Before he could reply a waitress came along, "May I get you guys anything?"
Analisa's kidnapper shook her head.
"Yes, might we have three hot chocolates?" he asked her.
"Certainly sir, anything else?"
Jamie looked over to the cake stand and answered, "Three iced ring doughnuts."
The waitress nodded and went to fetch the order, no one spoke until she came back, then Jamie thanked her. He pushed one drink and cake to the young girl and kept the other two by him. He felt Analisa shiver like she has been all night, so he wrapped her up tighter in the blanket.
"Now tell me things." he begged.
"Its not for me to tell!"
Jamie sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Fine, then tell me who you are." This time he was ordering.
"My names, Elise." she told. Her voice was very similar to Analisa's and the name was too. Her voice was sweet and child like, almost the same as Analisa's, could they be related in some way?
"Elise; I'm Jamie." he introduced.
"Hi." was all she could say.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:31 pm
not bad at all ^^  


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