Read the last 1 4 more info, rated R content, dont wanna see it, dont read, there, covered evrythin biggrin

emo Omg


emo gotta hide it gotta gide it mrgreen hi emo ********/> mrgreen sure

emo nononono, like, i just killed him and i thought u new.O ********/> mrgreen sure

emo NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

talk2hand sup honney

mrgreen hey

cool sup

emo ********/> ninja hiya!

emo ******** s**t

twisted hes deaaaad

ninja hoooooo!

emo arrow rolleyes noone

wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance

neutral hi, im the new gay guy

wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance

stressed s**t, u killed him!