It was a dreary and gray day as usual, for this was Washington. "Aw man, I bet we'll have rain throughout the whole summer" whined Kelsey. "Oh come on, it's not that bad." I replied, trying to cover my disappointment. We both looked at Elle. She was the brains of our trio. "You know, it's not natural for there to be so much rain. We've had a fifty-nine day streak and it's spring time to. The forecast imply that this won't end for a while." She answered as if she could read our minds. "Well whatever happens, I hope we can see the Sun before we die." I joked, except no one laughed. In an awkward murmur we all parted to get home.

Sighing, I went on and got lost in thought about the summers I used to see in Texas. I didn't bother to look around me for strangers, this was Washington after all. I finally reached my house, stepping inside I heard silent sobs coming from the living room. It must have been my sister, Eve. "Eve, are you okay?" As I reached down to take off my shoes I noticed a round stone of which appeared to be an emerald. Putting it away deep in my pocket I hovered to the living room. All I saw was Eve sitting there, her head buried in her knees.

"What's wrong?"
"I saw a ghost." She squeaked, picking up her pale face.
"That's ridiculous, there are no such things. It must have been a nightmare."
"But I did see her, she looked like a girl and she gave me an emerald and called me Andrea. B-but that's your name not mine. The ghost wants to kill you. I threw away the emerald somewhere so it wouldn't hurt us."

This had to be a set up, maybe she did this for attention. But where would she get an emerald so big and round. No one in our family owned such thing. Everything went to college.
"Eve, I think your making all this up." I said sternly and yet almost shaking.
"I'm not lying!" screamed Eve.
With that, I went upstairs and into my room. Plopping onto my bed, I closed my eyes and elaborated. I finally gave it a rest and started to get dressed in my PJ's. After I dressed I brushed my hair in front of a mirror and saw a reflection of a beautiful and stunning woman staring at me. I went pale and looked behind me and back to the mirror there was no one- or rather nothing- behind me. I wanted to scream but no sound came out. I was horrified, Eve was right. Wait, I thought to myself. This could be a nightmare. But somehow it didn't feel like one. "You know that emerald I gave you?" said a whisper. "Yes." Again no sound came out.

"Good child. Now put it on the dresser."The voices whispered. The ghost touched my cheek. I felt a breeze. I looked at her more observantly. Her skin was snow white, and her eyes were blue. Once you got closer, her eyes reflected all the misfortunes in life, her lips were thin appeared soft like silk, her long brown beautiful locks flowed as if there was a high wind. She looked like an angel. She was beautiful, but beneath all her perfection you could sense a demonic feeling. Angst, hatred and agony. But then everything blurred. "You will be forgotten as have I many years ago. Finally I have been freed of this curse in which seem to be a dream." then she gracefully reached for my throat and grasped it. All I did was stand there, overwhelmed by her intoxicating beauty. As her lips curled upwards, I felt pain rushing through my body. Then all faded to black.

All that had surrounded me was pitch darkness. Was this what the after life was like? There was a shimmer that came from the ground, I could not feel anything as I kneeled to the ground and picked up the object. It was the emerald. Now, this stone was all I had. So I sat and waited in silence. All sounds blocked, including my own voice. In time, this "afterlife" was unbearable, so I threw the emerald at the ground as hard as possible, and watched it shatter to millions of pieces, then turn to dust.

I couldn't remember anything beyond that. Just the celestic nightmare of a demon that brought me here.