New Byako Event!

Greetings to one and all and to yet another grand Byako super event!
An event to knock ones socks off, knock them back on and then paint little polkadots! (or stripes asssuming they already have polkadots)


The artisans District people in commemoration of the Bum Master festival are offering their district up as a prize to the lucky winner of the race through the zany little obstacle course they have constructed!

Start Date: October 28th Wednesday


(In RP) Control of the district 'Artisans district'
(Out of RP) 30,000 Gold

How to Play
Entrants will upon the start of the contest be allowed to roll once six sided dice per day and they will move along the board. At either the end of the day or once all entrants have rolled, the judge will reveal the effects if any of the space the person has landed on.
For example you could land on a space that requires you to skip a turn or move forward three spaces


1.Only one dice roll per day. This is to allow fair play and put some sort of sensibleness in the effort. Also, we will use alaskas time zone to determine this just for kicks.

2.Please try to RP your actions. Admittedly this will be a little tricky as you wont know the space you land on until its publicly announced but bear with us

3.No deleting posts. As this is a roll once a day contest we must enforce the deleting of posts within the Artisans district thread during the duration to keep people from cheating.

4.No mule accounts. We cannot have people entering with multiple accounts as that would be plum unfair. If we suspect you of doing this we will not be happy.

5.Clans cannot have the area. The Artisans District wants to give it to a lucky individual. A person in a clan is welcome to compete but their winnings do not go to the clan they are connected to.

6.In the event you cannot post once a day you may appoint a second. A second is a person whom you are giving special permission to post/roll in your name. However you must contact us first and inform us as to the person you are appointing your second. Also, your second cannot be another participant in the race.

How to join in
To join, you must in character, aproach the registry in Artisans district
and simply sign up

Race Course
User Image