I was thinking about posting just this kind of thread since I have many ideas but I want to discuss about them first and see what the others think about em. So here are the most thought about ones.

1. Unusual connections
For weeks it has been restless in Crystal Tokyo. There are daily fights and battles between the senshi people and different types of devils created by Neo Negaverse. All over the world there has been restless as well, as the devils raid is spreading all the way to Europe, Africa and South- and North-America. The reason is that the Neo Negaverse has made a deal with one of the most dangerous criminals in the world: Garth Knight, mentally insane kingpin who controls technology and uses it as his advantage to help Negaverse to spread the destruction.
But Queen Serenity and her minions, senshi and knights won't be fighting alone. They also have an ally, who knows about technology positively as much as Garth.

But, it is unexpected for both Negaverse and the senshidom, that there is an even more massive and powerful menace, that is slowly approaching from the sky, from the galaxy and threatning the entire Earth...

2. Starship Titanic
It has now been a long time after the final battles with Neo Negaverse and peace has been restored to the galaxy. It's a routine evening and all the senshi are spending a night together, but soon they find themselves being visited by a DoorBot called Fentible, asking all of them for help aboard the Starship Titanic, the greatest intergalactic cruiser ever built in the universe and from completely alien civilisation, which is not known by anyone of the senshi or the Mankind overall.