This guide was not made by me, but it will greatly help anyone who wants to learn to make a good investment, and sell. I will keep updating it next to my connection which brings me this information. I hope this guide helps a lot of people make better investments and win more gold in gaia without winning any of my contests if necessary. Please leave any comments, or anything else you want to add here.
~XSK out
Changed two ranks.
- Great Short term investment - 1-3 months.
-Great long term investment - 3-6 months.
-Great long term investment - 3-6 months.
- Great long term investment - 3-6 months
- Great Short term investment - 1-3 months.
- Great Short term investment - 1-3 months.
So good short terms are now 4 stars and good long terms are now 5
stars, it's easier this way.