This is the novel that i'm currently writing. I hope you like what i have so far.

My name is Caroline, i'm 19 and i'm depressed. This is the story on why i'm depressed.
I'm sitting here in my room on my favorite plush chair looking out my window watching my brother and sister play in the back yard. For the past couple of days I've been depressed because my older brother packed up most of his things and left. While I was spacing out there was a knock on my bedroom door. It was my mother.

"Caroline, I know that you are depressed because of Chris leaving but he must have had a pretty good reason why he just left without leaving a note. Always keep faith that he will return." she replied as she sat on my bed. I turned toward her and just looked blankly at her. "Chris left without saying goodbye or a note saying he will return. I'll believe he will be home when he walks in that front door." I replied as my mother sighed. With that said my mother sighed and got up. "I hope you will at least come out and eat something. It's been two days since you eaten, it's not very healthy." she said as she closed my door.

If you are wondering Chris is my twenty-two year old brother and last Friday he must have gotten a phone call because when I got home from school he wasn't there and most of his things are gone. I have no idea why he left but I miss him so much because he isn't just my brother but he's also one of my best friends.

"Caroline, you have mail." My mother yelled from the kitchen. With a sigh I got up and went out to see what the mail was, figuring it was just junk mail. When I seen the handwriting I knew exactly who it was from and I instantly got excited on the inside. It was from Chris, hopefully it's a letter saying why he left. "It's probably just something from a college that I applied to." I told my mom as I went back to my room. As soon as I got to my chair I opened up the letter and this is what it read.

I know that you are worried sick about me, but keep this in mind. I am perfectly fine. I left because I got a phone call from Aunt Jeanne saying that Dad's killer got out of jail on a technicality. I know what you are going to say, why am I going after a cold blooded killer. I'm going after him because we know him very well. I will be home shortly, I don't know when but i'll be home soon. Always remember I love you little sister.

I couldn't believe that Chris left because of the b*****d that killed daddy. A part of me hopes that he finds him, but another part of me hopes he doesn't because I don't want anything to happen to him.
I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was dark outside and my 8 year old sister, Alyssa was sitting on my bed. "Mom wanted me to check on you when you didn't come out for dinner." she replied as she was holding her favorite pink bunny. I couldn't help but smile because she was so cute. "There's still some pizza in the fridge if you want some." she replied as I got up and stretched my aching muscles from my back and arms. I went over to the bed and sat down next to Alyssa. All of a sudden she dropped her head and said in a quiet voice. "When is Chris coming home, I miss him so much." I just shook my head. "I don't know, but he will be home, I know it." I replied as she got onto my lap and clutched my shirt. "I want him home now." she said in between sobs. "I do too." I replied as I held her while she fell asleep.