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In the year 2025, we humans had become advanced enough to traval to Mars and beyond the Astroid belt to Jupiter and colonize both Mars and both planets moons. Thats when we discovered that we were unfortunatly not alone in the Universe. An insect like race we now know as the Manti came to earth and instantly began taking over the planet, forcing the human race to abandond its once beautifl home planet for the baren wastelands of Mars and the moon colonies.

It is now 2050 and the human race had been hard at work preparing for a counter attack to take back earth. Since the advent of the stargate in 2017 (an artaficialy made wormhole linked together by a network of portholes made from stronger than titanium Martion Iron) the human military organized itself to form the Galactic Stargate Authority, or GSA for short. Now with the launch of the spacestation Memory (Human kinds greatest and largest structure ever created) the humans race is now ready to take back there home planet. There is however one obstical that are preventing them from taking counter measures, the Manti are on the attack and we are going to have pull back if we want to stay alive long enough to throw in a punch.

Now you are in the pilot seat of a Defender, man kinds highly advanced space-fightercraft and most popular anti-bug zapping machine ever. Will you be the one who saves the human race and frees Earth from the clutches of the evil manti. Or will you become just another statistic and simply parish by the hands of the enemy. The choice is yours but remember, you are the best of the best and without you we will all be bug food.

How the game is run
When we do start this RP we will be starting off with Chapter 1 Basic Training in your very own fighter. After you have completed training your instructor will assign you to a Fighter Rank which is just a special way of telling you which fighter would best work with you. After Chapter 1 we will go straight to Chapter 2 which will begin with you going out on the town at Titan's capital City, Serinity City, In honor of the launch of the new super spacecraft MEMORY. I wont go into much more detail about whats going to happen after that but I will say that you will be doing more then just having a gay-ol-time.

1. No Cybering [AT ALL]
2. No Flaming
3. No killing of other characters
4. PM ALL profiles, Title profiles "GSA"
5. No god moding
6. A Little cursing is fine, just keep it PG-16 (No F-bombs or S-bombs [you will be reported if I catch you])
7. This is a semi-literate RP, No one sentencers.
8. Post often or you will be reported as ether shot down, missing in action, or have even gone AWOL, so ether report for leave (if your going to be gone for a while) or report for decomissioning (if you want out)

Gaia Name:
Rank: (to be filled out by Comander)
Fighter Specialty: (to e filled out by instructor)
Theme music:
Personality: (exp. funny, quiet, skittish)
Background: (Don't say you came from earth, all those guys are ether dead, in diapers or talking to the grandchildren how they escaped earth)
Appearance: (Anime please)

Your Enemy
The Manti

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Normal Manti

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Mutated Manti
Widow (ground Manti)
Fighter Information

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Class: Standard GSA Fighter
Speed: Mod.
Turning: Exelent
Armor: Average
Armorment Description:
(A) Tri Cannons: Fires three plasma bolt from three gun port located on both wings and nose.
Ammo: Unlimited
(B) Lock-On Missiles: Fires a voly of five Valcory missiles at a locked on target.
Ammo: 50
(C) Rail Gun: A automatic Machine gun that fires semi-armor peircing bolts at a high rate of fire. Caution: Rail Gun has a tendency to overheat and stop firing.
Ammo: Unlimited
(D) Spread Missiles: Fires two Blue Streek Missiles that disperse twelve Sparrow Missiles upon hitting its target.
Ammo: 20
(S) Energy sheild: Forms a Protective barrier around the ship.
Duration: About 15 minutes
Uses: 5

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Class: GSA Fighter/Bomber
Speed: Mid-Low
Turning: Satasfactory
Armor: Great
Armorment Description:
(A) Plasma Cannon: Charges then Fires off two destructive balls of pure plasma.
Ammo: Unlimited
(B) Spread Missiles: Fires two Blue Streek Missiles that disperse twelve Sparrow Missiles upon hitting its target.
Ammo: 50
(C) Lobber Granade: Launches a large sphere from a forward compartment then detenates sending a rain of pure plasma balls.
Ammo: 10
(D) Energy Bomb: Bomb of pure kinetic energy are fired at the ground destroying any and all organic life.
Ammo: 12
(S) Smart Bomb: unleashes a wave of energy that destroies all Manti life forms withind a radious of 20 miles.
Uses: 5

[More options will become available as you work your way to a higher rank]

Superior Officers
[NRP Characters]

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James Williams

One of the few still active Earth born officers in the GSA. He has a will of steel and a temper that send even the Manti running for cover. He will be the guy up at HQ most of the time fighting those Military Fat A**'s to try and bring an end to this god foresaken war. Your orders will be coming directly from this guy. Cross him and he'll demote you so fast your head will spin.

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Joey Gram

To this guy he is 1) Your mother 2) Your father 3) Your brother 4) Your sister 5) Your best freind 6) your worst enemy 7) God. Sometimes he will let his humorous side poke out alittle but in bulk he's your basic Boot Camp bad a** Captain who if you disobay will make you run 20 laps around the Martion complex with nothing but your nickers, a helmet, and an oxygen pack.

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Senior Medical Officer
Dr. Susan Black

You wont find anyone nicer or more popular then Dr. Black. Loves long sunset walks on the Martion lunar surface of Titan, pepperoni Pizza (through a tube), and clone bunnies. Her turnoffs are patient who try hitting on her after coming out of the O.R. (because if she can fix you she can easly break you), wounded flyboys who wont stop braging about there flying skills (cause she can probably fly circles around there fat heads), and Loud Heavy Metal and peircings.

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Dr. Izukii Muto

Dr. Muto is our leading expert on the Manti. He's a bit uncomfortable to be around, some say that he's so fascinated by the Manti he tried to become one. Don't let the good Doctors cold personality get you down, his knowledge of the Manti has been a great resorce to the GSA so don't hesitate to ask the Bugger Lover a question about anything you might want to know.

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She's man kinds Largest A.I./Super Spacestation and there last hope of defeating the Manti. She will be your gaurdian angel while your off playing with bugs. Trust her and if she gives you advice it would probably be wise to take it, it might even save your life (No duh). She is also the only ship that can generate a stargate without a stargate ring, which means less time waiting in traffic.

Duty Roster

(Accepted Profiles)