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Supershow #5

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:37 pm
Main event
GBL and Kart vs Cyrus and Angel


Kart picked up Cyrus and said."Hit him!" GBL paused for a few second before going for a big boot after Kart kept repeating it. Cyrus moved and Kart was kicked and he hit the canvas. Kart rolled out of the ring and said. "Suck me! I'm Out of here!" GBL watched on asking what the heck!


Cyrus hit the Dream Over on GBL in the middle of the ring. The ref counted!


GBL kicked out. Cyrus looked around wondering what he had to do. Cyrus stumbled around the ring and Angel made the blind tag. Angel got into the ring as Cyrus began to climb the ropes from the inside. Cyrus stopped on the bottom rope tried, but as he went for the second rope Angel hit the Excommunication on his own partner! Cyrus fell to outside landing on the apron upper back first then the ground. Angel walked over to GBL and picked him up for Saint Peters Judgment. GBL was hit and landed on the ground. Angel pinned GBL. The ref counted.


The winners of this match are Cyrus and Angel!


Angel left the ring and as he walked up the ramp Kart came back down to the ring. Kart slide into the ring near GBL. GBL started to stand up when Kart picked GBL up hit the Kartwright Krippler! GBL was in the middle of the ring as the camera zoomed in on GBL face. Security, Refs, KJN, Mardy, Draze, Clarie Hawkins, and Justin were trying to pull Kart of GBL. Mr. X. and Marxx came out next trying to pull Kart off of him. after a minute of pulling Kart let go of GBL. Kart looked at every in the ring as they build a wall between GBL and Kart. Kart turn towards a corner. He climbed up to the second rope and taunting. The crowd booed him as all these good guys in the ring either helped GBL out of the ring or tried to keep Kart in that one corner. The camera fade to black.


Harli vs Mr.X. vs Bad


Bad hit Mr.x. with a TKO! Harli picked Bad up and hit the Drummond Clash on Bad. Harli then pinned Mr.X. The ref counted.


The winner The Outback Attack Harli!


Draze vs Justin


Draze hits Justin with the Crazy Haze! He then pins him.


Your winner Draze!


Kodiak and Mardy vs Claire Hawkins and The Pink Advenager


Kodiak started to send back forearms to Clarie's back. He put an arm wringer on Clarie then dragged her to his corner. Mardy tagged in and said. "Thanks Creeker! " Mardy put the arm wringer on Claire then kicked her in the gut. She then began to yank her towards the middle of the ring. Mardy then kicked her in the got. Mardy spun around then hit One Big Hit on Mardy! The ref started the count as soon as Mardy went for the cover.


The pin was broken up by the main that has yet to get into the match The Pink Avenger! The ref pushed T.P.A. towards his corner as this happen Kodiak came in and told Mardy to get out as he began to stomp on Clarie. Mardy walked towards their corner. TPA got into his corner and the ref turned, but before he turn he heard Kodiak clap in the air. The ref asked if he tagged or not. He said "Yeah I tagged. " Kodiak picked Claire up sending her off the rope he went for a clothesline, She ducked under the clothesline. She hit the ropes and came back. When she came back Kodiak went for a spinning back elbow, but Claire ducked that and hit the ropes. Kodiak then caught himself and went for a clothesline, however at the same time Claire went for the clothesline. Both of them laid on the canvas the ref and crowd chanted!


Kodiak and Claire both crawled to their respective corners.


Tag! The ref announced. Clarie tagged in TPA. Kodiak then tagged Mardy. TPA ran at Mardy and hit a clothesline. Once she was hit she fell to the canvas and Kodiak stood up, but was knocked down by the clothesline. Mardy stood up and turned. She was picked up and scoop slammed. Same with Kodiak. TPA picked Mardy up then sent her off the ropes to hit the opposite ones. When she came back TPA hit a back body drop. She hit the canvas and laid near her corner. TPA picked up Kodiak and did the same. After the second back body drop The Pink Avenger raised his arm s and yelled at the crowd. Kodiak at this time had rolled out of the ring near his corner and tried to stand in his corner. Mardy began to stand up. TPA picked Mardy up into the Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeero's! Cutter! When she was lifted Kodiak tagged Mardy foot. Mardy hit the canvas hard and rolled out of the ring. Kodiak stood waiting for TPA to turn because he would kick him in the gut and hit the S.S.N.!! TPA hit the canvas head first and TPA tapped out 2 seconds after being on the canvas. Claire would have broken it up had she not been wiped out.

The winner of this match Kodiak and Mardy!!


Time Promo - They will all crumble underneath me!

A dim light was shown flickering backstage, as an unknown figure was shown sitting under it. The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of a clock, as well as sands pouring from an hourglass. The camera zoomed in to get a closer look at this figure.

"It's time to give you incompetent lot a history lesson if you will...
You see, Time is something everyone takes for granite, but not me...
They like to waste time, kill time but in the end it is really time that wastes them, that kills them.

I'm not going to go on about how I'm going to waste any one that gets in my way.

To cliche, everyone says it and only half can back up those words. To those who cross my path, I leave you this message. History shows time and time again that emperors fall, kings fall, armies fall one by one by one to time. It withers away the mightiest of opposition, it ages them into nothingness.

I maybe an unknown in the lands of the WWFG, but none the less, I expect nothing more than my dominance in this dominion. I claim not to be perfect, once again cliche but what I am is Time. The only thing constant in this world and its universe and I being the God of Time, I am the only constant a** kicker. I don't bother to take names, ones aside from my own are useless and irrelevant. "

He then looked at the hourglass as the last bit piece of sand was falling into the bottom. He tipped it over as the sands began to pour anew.
He then stands up and cracks his neck, as he notices the camera is still rolling.

"Oh, you've been recording this whole time.
Impressive, I commend you camera person for doing your duty in recording my little speech.
You're only doing the job in which you were assigned to do.
Hence why I'm not going to put you through this wall.
I will say this though, all these heroes, villains, fake deities that you believe in.
They will all crumble underneath me"

He picked up the hour glass and smashed it against the wall, sand and glass poured everywhere.

"You'll be broken, bloodied and scattered into the wind. You'll be at the wrong place at the wrong time.."

Non title!
Marxx and Wages vs Aeron and Nuke Fusion


Marxx hit the The throwback on Aeron. Marxx stood up and turned around. Nuke then kicked Marxx in the gut then ran to ropes going to go for the Fusion Cutter! Marxx moved out of the way as Nuke moved passed him and caught his feet. Marxx stayed bent over as Wages jumped onto Marxx back then going for a Sensational Warlock! Nuke turned right into the knee. Nuke ended up falling through the second rope to the outside. Marxx lifted Aeron up and hit the Diamond Stud. Aeron popped off Marxx knee only to be hit with a Sensational Warlock!! Aeron fell staright to the ground as both Marxx and Wages pinned Aeron. The ref counted.


Here is your winners Marxx and Wages!!!


Tyson Tag title Promo

KJN vs Christina Parks


Christina Parks pick KJ about to try for a ManLess Drop, but KJN turned out of it and hit an Atomic Drop. Christina parks backed away as KJN ran forward for a Shinning Wizard. Parks ducked then tried for a back drop, however KJ end up landing on his feet from behind. KJ then went turn her around and try for a Clover leaf. He was about to turn her, but she pulled KJ down going for a small package. This didn't take because he rolled with it and the ref started to count.



KJ stood up and Christian parks sat on the canvas surprised.

Your winner the Debuting KJ Newfoundland!

Mardy promo!

Remember when you used to be a Ra-

Mardy Wilkes-Booth cut her own entrance music before it could begin. As she spoke she walked out onto the stage to an impressive amount of heat for being brand new to WWFG. The fans booed as she continued down the ramp, barefoot. This time as she came to the ring she wore faded jeans and an oversized grey sweater, she also stunk of 'skunk'(Skunk meaning pot). "Ladies and Gentlemen, I will not take up too much of your time. I just would like to bring forth some injustice that I have experienced very recently." Mardy stopped talking as she approached the ring steps. She climbed them quickly and hurried to the ropes.

Mardy ducked beneath the top rope but got her foot caught momentarily. She stumbled and the crowd laughed at her. "You stop laughing!" She screamed in response, "That was not funny, I could have been seriously injured. You're horrible people. And you're horribly ugly. Your, your ugliness is making me freak out." Mardy shivers. The crowd poured on more heat, disliking being mocked.

Stepping around the ring slowly, Mardy laughed at her being booed. She pushed her hair out of her face and regained some composure before continuing her promo. "Anyway, anyway, anyway there is a horrible person running around backstage somewhere and I came to the ring to night to warn all of the superstars. It's very hard for me to speak of this," Mardy went on dramatically,"but it needs to be said. Last week.... while I was signing my contract to become official here... I had with me something very important. I had with me something very valuable to me. What I had meant a lot to me. I had with me a bag...of peanuts. BUT THEY WERE STOLEN! Mardy shouted! She crossed the ring as the crowd booed her more but she soon came back to the center of the ring.

"I know who has my peanuts. I have already lodged a complaint about this person to the local police department, but while I was in the station my roach fell from my pocket and I got hit with a UPM. Unlawful Possesion of Marijuana. This is not my fault, my unjust conviction of a crime was the result of a different crime committed against me. I'm not going to take it!"

Mardy rushed to the ropes closest to the ramp and glared up at the stage. She held onto the top ropes as she spoke, fueled by rage, "Claire Hawkins, I know you are the dirty theif who ran off with my peanuts last week! I want my peanuts back Claire Hawkins! And I want you to pay my UPM ticket! AND I WANT MY PEANUTS BACK CLAIRE HAWKINS! So, I expect that you come out here right now and give..me.....my....peanuts."

Mardy, and the crowd, stared up at the stage. All waiting to see if Claire would react to this. Things were getting intense.

((you stole my font color rofl ))

Mardy simply stood there like a babbling buffoon as she demanded "stolen" peanuts. Seconds ticked by and the tension began to increase. Was Claire going to respond to Mardy Bum? Was she sending a message that this fiasco is not even worth her time? Maybe she wasn't even in the building?! However, the main question remained on every one's mind: Did she really steal Mardy Wilkes-Booth's bag of peanuts?

When our time is up
When our lives are done
Will we say, we've had our fun

Will we make a mark this time
Will we always say we tried

Standing on the rooftops
This is all we got now
Wait until the bombs drop

it all ends now
scream your heart out

From backstage walked out the accused peanut bag thief, Claire Hawkins! She stopped at center stage and signaled for her music to be cut. She held her hand out for a mic and was forced to wait as a backstage worker had to go find one back there. Once he did he quickly brought it out and Claire snatched it out of his hands without some much as a thank you! Clearly she wasn't in the best mood!

"WHAT! What possible reason do you have to call me out here?" she said with a rather stern look on her face. "Shouldn't you be in the back smoking whatever brain cells you left have away?" The crowd was silent as this bronzen b***h went on! She was about to say something else, but stopped herself short and simple shook her head as she looked down the ramp and at what was standing in the WWFG ring. It was time to get back to the original reason why she was out here to begin with.

"But instead you stumble your skunked up a** down to the ring accuse me of stealing a bag of peanuts! I would give you a compliment if it weren't for the fact your most likely "flying high" and that you are accusing me of stealing a bag of peanuts!" she said as she slowly shook her head is silent disapproval. She stopped to allow some fan response, but all they did was remain silent like good little drones. 'Spineless drones they are........' she thought to herself as she scanned the hushed crowd. Her ruby lips slitly up turned in a slight smirk. She then turned her attention back to Mardy Bum. "As for you "missing" bag of peanuts, are you sure you didn't just eat them?"

User Image

((Well according to storyline, you stole my peanuts. An eye for an eye?))

Staring with an opened jaw at Claire, Mardy thought carefully about what was just said. Fans could easily read her thoughts as her animated face told a bizzare story. "Are you sure...you didn't... eat them." Mardy finally understood Claire. Her thoughts wandering more, "Maybe I did eat them, it is possib-".

Becoming enraged Mardy drew the microphone close to her mouth and pointed up at Claire. "NO! No I did not eat my peanuts. I would know if I had. I am as positive as the drug test I took three days ago that CLAIRE HAWKINS stole my peanuts."

Moving quickly, and certainly not gracefully, Mardy slunk to the mat and slid out onto the ring floor. The fans cheered when Mardy tripped while standing then booed when she caught her balance before landing face irst on the floor in front of her. Mardy Bum, feeling the pain of loss, walked slowly up the illuminated ramp taking extra measures to not falling. As she walked she began speaking directly to Claire. "I know you have my precious peanuts in your pitifull possession. I want them, I want them now. Claire Hawkins I promise you, if you produce my peanuts by the time I reach the top of this ramp I will hurt you so bad you'll never return to this ring."

((According to storyline? What storyline?! No, really what storyline?! confused ))

This girl was clearly out of it. Her last sentance did not make anysense at all! "Well based on your last sentance, its safer if I had your beloved peanuts." She said not moving from her spot at the top of the ramp. Mardy was advancing upon her, but did Claire care? The answer would be, she was hoping for a fight!

"But alas! I do not have your peanuts!" she said feigning dramatics. Claire always kept her eyes on Mardy. Those hauntingly beautiful eyes never wavering! Hell, if the camera zoomed in close enough you could tell she was waiting for the all but promised conflict!

Claire tossed the mic aside and waited for Mardy to get her skunked a** up to the stage! The mic burst into screeching static as it hit the metal floor of the stage!

((Hmm, maybe not so much storyline but my current gimmick.))

The crowd was on their toes as Mardy reached the top of the ramp. She stood motionless, starring as if she were trying to burn a hole into Claire. Mardy was furious but non-violent at the moment. Proving the untrustworthy side of her existed Mardy did not fulfill her promise of putting Claire away. Instead she spoke slowly, "Claire you are very lucky today. It just so happens that I don't think this crowd is worthy enough to watch me kick your peanut stealing a** tonight! So I won't..."

The fans poured on the heat to Mardy and booed from their seats. "But I just recalled our match later tonight. Our tag team match, which sets The Creeker and I versus someone whose IQ is equal to a fly that hangs around a mule's a**, and your partner The Pink ********? You get that Claire, you're the fly in that metaphor."

Mardy was forced to stop speaking by the rowdy crowd. "I'm going to break my promise and I will not knock you unconcious with the Wilkes-Booth Style right now. Hell, I won't even touch you during our match later. It's not like it's difficult to beat you. No Claire Hawkins, since you woudn't return to me my peanuts which you stole when I least expected it, I'm going to wait until you're least expecting it. When that moment comes you're going to wish you'd never swiped anything that belongs to me."

Mardy got right in Claire Hawkins face before she turned away and headed for the backstage.

Mike Landry vs Tyson Briggs

Tyson went for The East Side Destroyer. Landry rolled off of his shoulders then hooked both of Tyson arms, but Tyson slips his right arm out the ducked under to get behind Landry. Landry walked towards a corner as Tyson grabbed around his waist. Tyson then went for a German suplex. Landry was sent off but land on his feet. Tyson got up only to be hit with the Heart breaker when he started to stand! Landry then went for the pin on Tyson!


The winner The Innovative Heart Breaker! Mike Landry!



Card will be up later after I close matches.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:23 pm
Don't change anything, this card looks perfect!  

o0 Mystique 0o

Call Me Bam

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:00 am
You started closing matches, but there not supposed to be over until the 29th.. oh well.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:06 pm
You started closing matches, but there not supposed to be over until the 29th.. oh well.

Welcome into Jed's work ethic! When it says a date to another date, it means it's gonna be open between these two dates xd  


Dangerous Genius

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:05 pm
Landry's here. I'll take anything really. Gotta get my feet wet, lol  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:34 pm
You started closing matches, but there not supposed to be over until the 29th.. oh well.

Welcome into Jed's work ethic! When it says a date to another date, it means it's gonna be open between these two dates xd
Lols. Ill remember that. Well it was fun fighting against ya while it lasted. xD I love your posts. Especially the chuck Norris one. rofl  

Call Me Bam

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