I've had two dreams lately that have really stuck out... Please let me know if they mean anything important.

Background: My great-grandmother in question has been dead for about six months. She's always been a positive role-model to me, and she always encouraged my cooking. She had signs of Alzheimer's before she died. Also, after my great-grandfather dies, my family is planning on selling their property. Also, I told my dad about it and he looked up "27 horses" and we got all kinds of stuff like "27 horses mamed and killed" "27 horses accidentally poisoned" "27 horses die in a gas leak" etc. I feel that that and the "six or seven minutes" are especially significant.

Nightmare: Okay... so, I'm gonna skip to the important, worrisome part of the dream. My family and some neighbours are living on my great-grandmother's property. We acted like she was already dead, but she appeared at the end of the dream. Anyway... So one of my relatives gave me a recipe and said it was left for me by my grandma. I read over it, and was like "er... okay." It didn't have any directions that I remember, other than "If you ever feel the world is going to end, make this and give it to everyone you know." It was like she knew I would be the one to know when it would end. I don't remember all the ingredients, but I distinctly remember "In six or seven minutes, gather 27 horses..." There was also some kind of feathers and some herbs. One of them, from the picture, looked like nightshade or belladonna. One of the bird feathers was from a dove.

So I showed the recipe to my dad, and he was like "honey, this is for poison." I was like "wat." But then the wind picked up and there was a bunch of smoke, and we were getting tossed around, and then suddenly I'm sitting in the living room of my other grandma's house and my great grandma is there and I gave her a huge hug and was like "ily" even though she just gave me a RECIPE for POISON.


Background: All of the people and places in the dream are only in the dream-- I've never met any of them or been to any of the places. My best friend in the dream is a really hot guy named Steve. I don't remember a lot of this dream, but the world was a very different place. It was controlled by two powers-- the "good guys" and the "baddies". Both were equally retarded, and there was a lot of slavery. Fire was very prominent.

Nightmare: My friends and I were in some super-special-awesome secret organization that dealt with androids and weaponry and all kinds of cool stuff like that. I was, apparently, the assassin/executioner for this organization. I don't remember what happened, but I was forced to irreversibly maim a little girl, about eight or nine years old. She was very snotty and bossy. We were in a environmental center of some kind-- there were reptiles and fish in tanks around us.
The next part I can remember is when some of the higher-ups were telling me I had to assassinate my partner--my best friend, Steve-- because he was supposedly evil and was going to sabotage the organization and it would have a horrid effect on the world. Or course, I had to agree, it was my job, but I was very reluctant. When I did it, he just smiled and told me it was okay, that he understood, and then I stabbed him in the back with some kind of dagger. The red of his blood was extremely vivid-- I could smell it and feel it on my chest-- and I was crying. I watched him die, I knew he was dead.
Later, I went to a clubhouse Steve and I always went to when we were kids, and I found him there with one of his friends/assistants, and he was fine. There was nothing but a scar and a bloody T-shirt. I felt extreme happiness that he was alive, and I told him that I would help him with his sabotage, "no matter the cost".

This could just be a normal dream, but the backstabbing and "no matter the cost" gave me an uneasy feeling. When I look back on it, I feel like I was getting corrupted.

Can anyone help me with this?