Welcome to the Role playing Subforum. Jamie-kei is the crew member in charge here so all questions and such can be directed at him. =)

General Rules of Role playing:

✘Follow all guild rules

✘ The creator of the rp thread you join probably has an inferiority complex, and will refer to themselves as God. If you want to stay in their good graces, just nod, smile, and abide by their rules. If you don't like it don't join their RP.

✘ Godmoding is NOT ok. Don't do it. People will hate you.

✘ No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus. They're boring for everyone.

✘ BE LITERATE, Please remember that when posting in or creating a roleplay, No One-Liners.

✘ Nobody likes boring posts. Spruce them up with a purty picture and some colored letters. If you need help on learning how to do this, please don't hesitate to message Jamie and ask.

✘ Be respectful of others' work, not everyone is a best selling novel writer.

✘ Don't steal other people's work. It's seriously illegal and just plain rude.

✘ Let's keep things pg 13, affection is fine, just no nasty stuff...

Vocabulary Words:

This is when a roleplayer is either trying to control another person's character or making a character who is too perfect or too powerful.

This is basically a character who is too perfect (especially when it comes to appearance) and has little depth. A Gary-Stu is the male equivalent.

A "One-liner" is a person who posts only one line of action and/or dialogue and expects an appropriate reaction to their post.