Katsuro Hitokage
Username: Katsuro Hitokage
RPC Name: Arata Myouji
RPC Rank: Jounin

Puppet Name: Jester Of the Other Plains
Puppet Rank: A
Description: This puppet is made of softer wood then normal wood making it lighter ,faster and easier to control the wood it was made with was used to constant rain giving the puppet this special trait after drying the wood it was perfect, the puppets is horrific looking puppet split down the center, in looks reflecting those of half angel and half demon, with a rain headband choking both sides the face is the real scary part, the looks of this puppet was paid special attention to it's mouth on one side has a metal fang that is used to drain blood if hitting veins, the other side is like any ordinary mouth.

When both sides are opened 5 fist sized ball Bearings shot from it mouth and explode 4 seconds after being launched releasing hundreds of small ball bearings that release at blinding speed and the purpose of it is to inflict large amounts of pain the ball bearings are very difficult to dodge if the user is not Taijustsu class but are easily stopped by D-Ranked defenses.

The next feature is the right side has abilities separate from the left side, the left side is that which resembles a demon the right side resembles an Angel. The left arms is quite large in comparison to the rest of the body it is mixed with metal making it very durable the hand has a small turning contraption of a half sealed sphere within the center of it's hand it may flip this to face out with small connectors in the inside of half sphere compared to the left sides arm the half sphere is very small, As for the right arm it is smaller than the right and the shell is made of wood and only small amounts of metal making it weaker than the left side but also had a half sphere in it's palm that takes most of it's hand, within the right arm it is a large metal cord that is connected to the half sphere. The purpose of the half spheres on both hand are when connected the cord in the right arm is connected to a hidden compartment full extreme pressure and when the Half in both hands connect it spins and the left arm disconnects becoming a large cannon the puppet braces the cannon on its shoulder while it's in this state the pressure in the hidden compartment is fed into the right arm the arm has 3 powerful shots each with different purposes.

First shot is a large fire bomb compacted into a small casing once fired a small device inside of container sets off and when the object makes contact causes an explosion that has the force to permanently damage people on a direct hit.

The second shot is a larger version of the device placed in the puppets head it is a single shot that is compacted into a large ball bearing once detonated after 4 seconds after launch will send hundreds of searing ball bearings that are extremely hot and will badly burn skin and is launched at a faster rate then the device in the head.

The final shot is the most powerful weapon in the entire puppet it’s a sealing scroll inside round casing once launched 5 seconds after being launched the sealing of the scroll releases and sends 15 large head sized pieces of hollowed wood, within those hollowed wood is a small device that when triggered parts of wood cassettes releasing 45 sealed scrolls within each of those scroll is 45 bottle rocket type devices that launch upwards till reaching 200 yards into the air and releasing the sealed scrolls attached to them releasing a total of 200 large pieces of wood, oil soaked ,3 times to size of humans and launching down towards the ground at this point directing the attack is useless the attack is a rain of fire once the scrolls are released the bottle rocket set the large pieces of wood ablaze completing the bomb use the fall from the sky.

The next part of the puppet is the leg which are just normal except it is combined with metal to carry the weight of the rest of the puppet and balance it out.

Finally the wings, the right side is the angel wings made of small splinter like wood. The top part of the wings is combined with a device that launches tons of senbon from it, the left wing of the demon is separated by a rubber like tarp and has wings like a bat and is used for defense the puppet may pull both wings forward and combine them to make a powerful shield using the wings.

Weak Joint: the neck contains various wires and other contraptions that if destroyed the puppet will not move.

(Will Draw the picture is accepted.))

Katsuro Hitokage

RPC: Arata myouji
Rank: Gennin

Puppet Name: War Gong
Puppet Rank: C
Description: This puppet is also a very strange puppet, it weighs alot, and has a very powerful defence in the front of it's body, and when it is hit it will cause a very loud sound to echo around the area it is loud enough to make a person to cover their ears, but is the loud noice really what the user plans to use it for? The puppets arms and legs are short usaully retracked into its body the back of the puppet is unarmro due to problems with wieght the motor works of the puppet is revealed it's armor itself is made of iron and with a thin layer of steel surrounding the shield part of the puppet. But the rest oif the puppet is pretty usless and moves shifting its legs i a waddeling motion not very fast or balanced but its major defence makes up for the slow speed. The height of this puppet is 6 ft.

Weak Joint: its intire back is very weak.
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Username: Arata Myouji
RPC: Arata Myouji
Rank: Gennin

Puppet Name: Kaze-Harpy
Puppet Rank: D
Description: This chime is a very strange puppet it does absolutly nothing unless when a person uses a wind justu the puppet may harness the wind into a high pitch sound that can be heard from around the area what the user of this puppet wants to use this ability for is unknown. This puppet is straight fowards moves by hovering by the users chakra strings, it doesn't move very fast and it is fragile and can even be set of by a strong breeze.

The puppet doesn't stop wind jutsus but wind justu will not damage this puppet but the wind jutsu will still go right through it.

Weak Joint: the whole puppet is really fragile, a gennin level user may use weak taijutsu to break it to pieces.
Picture (not mandatory):User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

((my RPC's not a puppet user yet But he'll learn it sooner or later))

Username:Katsuro Hitokage
RPC: Arata Myouji
Rank: Jounin/Akatski

Puppet Name: Origami Kage
Puppet Rank: A
Description: A Paper cut-out of a large looking puppet painted black and can change shape to match it's users shadow., It has sevral seals on holding puppet parts in it, it has sevral diffrent levels of puppets the first seal is considered level 1, it has 7 levels of attacks and each can be released and re-sealed within a moments notice. The puppets move along the ground liek a shodow and is very suseptable to attack from the gorund.

Level 1(Right Arm.)- Large puppet with no legs holding 2 large swords it's weak joint is in its neck hitting this spot causes it to completly stop working and causes the seal to become usless as well.

Level 2(Left arm)- A spinning puppet connected to a base by a chain this puppet has many blades surrounding it and spins rapidly as an attack it's weakness is the chain that connects it to the main puppet wihtout it the puppet stops moving.

Level 3(Right Leg)- The next puppet is dragon head that is connected to a tank of oil while this puppet is out the main puppet may not move, the dragon head may spit out large amounts of oil and has a small lighter in the front it's mouth that causes this puppet to have a flame thrower it has enough oil to shoot 5 fairly large sized attacks(7x7), 3 large fire attacks(15x15], or 1 50x50 ft. sized attack, the weak point in this puppet that if the oil tank is hit it causes the puppet to have no other attack weapon.

Level 4(Left Leg)- The level four is a large hammer unable to be moved it has no wekaness but it can't be move by chakra stings and is useless without level 5, this hammer is a bit taller than a full grown adult making it very heavy. The specai lability of this is once makign contact it causes a large explosion if making a heavy contact with ground or other solid objects.

Level 5(Right Side of torso.)- A large ape like puppet that is able to pick up the level 4 puppet, this puppet is very durable but legs are very weak so they are its weak joint attack them will result in causing the pupept unable to move it needs it's legs to move due to it's heavy wieght.

Level 6(Left side of torso.)- A Large snake puppet that has very sharp teeth it is attached to a small electrical generator that feeds the metal parts of the puppet and if the snake bites int oan opponent large amounts of electicty is pumped into them and cause high nerv damage, and cause the targe tt olose muscle control for one post the weak joint of this puppet is just below it's head if hit the head falls off and the pupept becoems useless.

Level 7(Head) The final Puppet is a puppet humanoid that is faceless and has no real details it is completly made of wood and the purpose of this puppet seams useless, it's weakest joint is pretty much anywhere it can be destroyed anywhere by chunnin ranked taijutsu. This final puppet must have some specail purpose because it is a very weakn pupept.

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