Custom Weapon
-And a Katana that would respond positively to Blood's Lightning Chakra and Uchiha bloodline. (given by Zeno) (Not custom weapon)
User Image
2 light daggers which increase in length and sharpness (Not custom)
50 kg weights(he is used to them and can run/act as if they were not on so im going to excange them soon for heavier weights...) on the calves,forearms,and torso.

User Image Lightning Blades
Who owns the weapon:Blood Fang-Uchiha
The Range of the weapon:Close Combat and ranged
Weakness: If you used the ranged attack of the blades it takes a while before you can reuse it(1 post to get the blades back on) or you cant use the blade for the duration of the battle and if it is dosed with water it wont work until you fix it meaning i would stay retracted or stay out
They are a pair of Retractable Wrist Blades that are infused with lightning element. They are used as a suprise attack to catch the opponent of guard.
If they touch you you get shocked and if they cut you you get burned, you put chakra in it to activate a special defencive mechanisim so that if anyone other than the user holds then they will be shocked. The weapon itself looks like an ordinary arm protectors but they are actually retractable blades. Also they could shoot out of the protectors like a bullet from a gun and it is connected to the protectors so you can reel it in (1 post) or disconect it so you can go on with the fight(oh yeah the blades are lightning infused so you can touch them either) so during a fight you have 2 shots and after that you have to reel them back in. the protector part of the weapon really is a protector and can be used as a guard(Whole forearm) and it can be conceled in clothes. And since there is chakra in it It is very durable and the easiest way to break it is to dose it with water making the chakra useless and the blade only to as strong as iron. The last of its features is that it can conduct electricity making it more powerful.(Note that this weapon should not be seen by others, i can only be revealed by the user)
1) It can zap someone on touch and burn someone on cut(except user)
2) The Blades of Both can fly out like a bullet but it takes 1 post to get the blade back by ways of string or cut it but you can not use the blades until you get them and reatach them
3)It servers as forearm protectors very durable because of the highgrade metal and chakra
4) Anyone who holds it other than user will be shocked
5) no one can also touch the blade itself cuz it is a blade and you will get shcoked touching it...
1) It someone were to Dose it with water its virtually useless unless it is fixed.
2) Wires can be cut so he can disable my blade
3) Someone can steal it as long as they have lightning resistance or something.