Sarium Uchiha:

Name of weapon: Mikon Kujo((Wild Destruction))
Who owns the weapon: Sarium Uchiha
Where it was found/Who made it: Sarium made it himself
The Range of the weapon: As far as you can make your chakra strings go.
Weakness: Taijutsu works on it very well, drains almost all of your chakra chakra after a long time
Description: Mikon Kujo is a puppet made by Sarium, it is kept in a medium sized scroll. Mikon Kujo a human like face, it has four arms not including its four legs. Mikon Kujo walks moves on all four for stability, he has a blade in each arm that comes out and works like a sword, you can combine lightning and fire elements into the puppet through chakra. his mouth openes to shoot poisioned sebon needles. Mikon Kujo can hold item like humans in its hands and has a slight amout of metal over its body for protection, it also has a ability to spew posiounous gas from its mouth.

RPC: Sarium Uchiha
Rank: Jounin

Puppet Name: Doku Saru
Puppet Rank: B
Description: Doku Saru is a monkey like puppet with many different joints and areas that move. It is also a poisonous thing, it will shoot poisoned sebon from bothe hands, and spray poison gas from its mouth. it has a tail that is rather mace like with lines or three spikes going aroun it and a spike on the end. Some of which are poisoned and it has spikes along the bottom of the forearm which are slightly poisoned, his back has blades that will impale anything on his back, these blades are hidden in the puppet until release, and throught the string saraium can infuse his fire element with a gas to make a flamthrower at the mouth using a sparker by the teeth.

Weak Joint: The joint holding the tail to the body is weak.
Picture (not mandatory): None

Username: Irishshamrock12
RPC: Sarium Uchiha
Rank: Jounin/ Rouge Nin/ Akatsuki

Puppet Name: Bengosha ((Defender))
Puppet Rank: A
Description: Bongosha is a scorpion-like puppet, it has two massive pinchers that have serrated blades on the inside. The puppet is probably about fifteen feet long and comes up of the bottom of the stomach area six feet.

With the jutsu: Chakra no Tate (Chakra Shield), The user can make Bengosha open his mouth and emit a Chakra Shield that extends about fifteen feet wide by eight feet tall fifteen feet so it has room to guard others, otherwise there is a big steel sheild about six feet tall and six feet wide on the back that will come up. Bengosha moves rather slowly because it is made out of steel enforced wood.

Bengosha has a big stinger at the end of a tail that if you are stabbed with there is a joint at the end of it that will twist the stinger. The tail will extend at most one foot infront of the puppet but sixteen feet backwards and to each side.

The user can also enter Bengosha and see threw the eye holes and control other puppets still.

Even though Bengosha is slow it can still jump into the air.

Weak Joint: The Stomach area
Picture (not mandatory): None