Hi everyone! This is my own little corner of the guild, but anyone is allowed to post addition material/tips.

This area of the guild will be full of helpful tips on how to get rich on gaia (and maybe even real life lol)! I will include general guides to the marketplace/shops, my own personal methods, and methods I've heard of that work.

1. Follow Gaia ToS at all times, not just in this forum
2. No posting get-rich-quick scams (goes along with rule number 1) Anyone who posts a scam in this guild, in ANY thread, will be banned permanently and may be reported depending on the severity of the case.
3. It's always good to be nice everywhere, but specifically to this forum, no calling anyone Noob based on wealth. It's just mean. Mean people are fail. Don't fail.
4. You must clap your hands three times and do the happy panda dance upon the completion of reading these rules. What does a happy panda dance look like? Well, I'll let you figure that out on your own.

heart Meeko heart