Well hello! ^_^
My names Rae. Im a girl and Im 25. : ]
Im VERY new at first shooter games... I tried to play a few on SNES and N64.. but hated them and didnt ever try any on other systems until September this year.
My boy friend and a few of his friends were playing CoD:WaW Zombies: Der Rise. Well, I like zombie things.. and I was like hell Ill try it! Who would have known I would fall in love. xD Then they showed me the I guess "war" version. I was very intimidated... I was constantly gettin picked off!! Zombies are slow and dont have guns!! Lmao!!
Skipping a head....
My boy and his buddies got the game the night it came out... and played it like it like 24/7. So I would watch them play and started to really get into it! I decided about 2 weeks ago that I wanted to get in on that game play!! So I got it... and have be A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D. I mean for real!! lol.

Im a level 32 currently. I was using the scar-h rifle with AA-12 shotgun manily, but Ive now been using ump .45 and .44 magnum (I want that damn tactical knife attachment!!) and sometimes barrett .50cal. Depends on the map.

Im not all that great... normally have a 1-4 kill streak... but Ive been keeping my kills above my deaths lately! : ] I need to get better with smooth side stepping and aiming.

Uhm. Yup! Thats about me. : ]