Your Rank: Genin
Name of Jutsu: Piercing Chakra Eye
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Range of Jutsu: This jutsu necessarily doesn't have a range. Basically if genjutsu affecting the sight is used against the user, then the user can use the jutsu.
Jutsu's Element: Universal-And only available to ones possessing the kekke genkai called Ayatsuri.
Description: This jutsu was developed by Auron Ryoku to combat genjutsu. Because of the thousands of biological amplifiers scattered throughout the body, the user is able to direct amplified chakra into the users eye and brain. This allows the user to see through most illusionary genjutsu that directly affects the user's vision. As a slight side affect, the user's eye glows the color of their chakra. This is due to the amplified chakra coursing through their eyes. The drawback is that it can only be activated when standing still, and because of the focus it takes to control the amplified chakra, the user cannot use any jutsu that requires their kekke genkai to activate. Furthermore, genjutsu 2 ranks higher that of the user's level is unaffected by this jutsu.
Rp Sample Auron was smart. He knew that he was fighting a genjutsu user so automatically he proceeded to use his Piercing Chakra Eye technique. Just in time to, the enemy quickly used Demonic Illusion jutsu. A technique that was designed to scare the enemy into paralyzing fear. Auron was not affected however as his glowing blue eyes pierced through the genjutsu, seeing the truth as it was. Auron however acted as if he was afraid, leading the enemy into a false sense of security. When the enemy was close enough, Auron lashed out with his katana, quickly severing the body in half. With the battle done, Aurons' eyes quickly lost its blue glow. Then he walked from the battlefield, sad that he took a life, but happy that he obtained victory.