Character Name:
He makes people call him TDO AwesomeSauce, or just TDO.

Physical apperance:

Personality: Well... unless he finds someone really in need of his wisdom, he just acts like a drunk. He smokes cigars a lot too.

His job... he is usually just a wandering oracle of drunken wisdom.

When he was young... well... he lived in a house full of poor people. AKA, the local bar. He was always studying books of wisdom, from the age of 5 to 18, and studying different books, effectively becoming a genius. Not only a booksmart genius, but a tactical genius. At age 21, different gangs in Ethral City, his home town, were always enlisting him for strategies. This was also the point at which he was starting to become more of a joker. And Drunk for that matter. One day, two gangs enlisted him for a strategy against their rivals. The two gangs were fighting each other that night. Neither knew that they were using the same tactician. Somehow, he put them into a standstill that lasted 3 days. He basically told them, "Let the other attack first. NEVER STRIKE FIRSHT. NEVE -*hiccup*-. They listened. Then, the King of that time got a hold of him, and by the time three battles were done, he got fired for being so drunk, he made a team of the form a pyramid in the form s would. Why they learned to be able to do that in the army, he never knew.

From ages 22-45, he stayed in the bar, becoming known as The Drunken Oracle. He never knew that he truly would become such an important figure into the future.

Also, during that age, he had entered himself into a mining agency, but by the second year, he was also fired. He stayed in the mines during those unknown years, 3 years in fact, after something so valuable, it would forever change what he could do. He had found liquid mithril with unusual magical properties. It formed into his arms, giving him mithril knuckles and shields that could come out of them.


Name of weapon: Mithril Knuckles
Number of Points: 5/100
element: Liquid Adamant
Weapon Skill: He can make small shields pop out. It's made of very thin fragments that spin into place, making a narrow shield up to his elbows.
Description: They are essentially regular brass knuckles with retractable shields. And made of mithril.


Name of ability: Mithril Transfigurations
Amount of points:5/100
Description of ability: He can transfigure his hands into different weapons, getting larger as the skill gets higher.

Name of ability: Conjure Alcohol
Amount of points: ∞(Rin allowed this. Honestly, how can you raise this skill?)
Description of ability: He summons a keg of some of the strongest beer known to man. Not liquor. Beer. Wine if he is in a fancy mood and his master wills it.

Elemental magic: (the N/A is where you insert the number of points if it has no points then put 0)

Fire: N/A points
Water: N/A points
Wind: N/A points
Lightning: 5 points
Earth: N/A points
Dark: 5 points'

Necromancy(See Dieter's profile): 5