I can no longer sing
No longer be
Because of this No Life King
Hes stolen my voice
My very self
In a touch
A stolen caress
A stolen kiss
Now I belong to the
No Life King
His fingers are icy to the touch
I crave his love
Its never enough
Will I be free from this prison?
Cold eyes, and a colder touch
I fear I will end
At his hands
In his arms
With bloodstained lips
My arms are empty
My veins are too
Here he left me
Now Im useless
Empty and dry
A No Life King
Now I wander
Looking aimlessly
Forever empty
Trapped in his embrace
Cold to the touch
I want him back
Harmful wishes
Kill me my King!
Please dont leave me!
I'll follow you to the ends of the world
Farther then still
Love me like you wouldnt not
When i had blood flowing through me