Name: Siri, The Tratior
Age: 13
Home realm: Now is Nightmare Realm
Type of Being: Nightmaren
Powers: Black Magic, spell casting, The lost spells, The Talents of Creation, Hearts of all, elements, glue, lead, metal, nature, feeling.
where: All, except real world
Weapons: Meteor-metal Scythe, two longswords, Meteor-metal hammer, Meteor-metal KeyBlade, Meteor-Metal chains, Meteor-metal Mace, and finally Meteor metal staff. AND a vial of the rarest and strongest poisons mixed together, and she knows the ingredients by heart....

Hope: one

Mope: seven

Evil: surprisingly, five

Good: five

Dream: one

Nightmare: ten

Pic of Siri:
User Image

She is the reborn form of Siri. Siri's original body was kept by Lunar, he has been running short of female materials he is recycling.