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Today, my world has come crashing slightly down.

I found out a friend of mine has passed away. I haven't spoken to her in a few months because we just didn't have the chance to talk. She was busy with her fiance and her daughter and I was busy with my fiance and school.
Sometimes, I wish I had've taken that five minutes and asked her how she was.
But that's how it always is, isn't it? You never seem to get that last word in before it's too late.
I've dealt with death a lot this year.
A couple of my pets, a distance relative, even the most awesome teacher I've ever had, and now a friend of mine.
We had great times, and we have some awesome memories, but I just can't help but think "I should have stopped to talk to her."
It just doesn't seem fair that she was taken so young, with her daughter only being a year old, and she wasn't even married yet. It's not fair to her and it's not fair to her family.
No one knows what happened, either, she was fine Saturday night...she just didn't wake up...
I don't know why I posted this here, and I'm not sure what I'm expecting to see in the responses.
It's just...not fair that she was taken so young, and none of us really know what happened.
It's like I said.
She went to sleep, and never woke up.

She meant a lot to me, because of her, I was able to become a little stronger, and I started to actually be who I was.
Something inside me was just happier since I met her.
I feel bad that I hadn't spoken to her in so long, thinking that there's always tomorrow.
It's kind of makes you realize how quickly things can be taken from you, and for me, it still doesn't even seem real.
I just ask that you think of her at some point, or someone that you lost and cared about.
They all deserve a place in our hearts.

If you feel like you should talk to someone, take the time to do it. Take the time to ask how they're doing, to compliment them, to do something to help them out.
Don't let yourself keep thinking "There's always tomorrow."
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