Soul Reaper Appearance:

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Full Name:
Kasumi Hayabusa

Actual Age:

Appearance Age:

Date of Birth:
Auguest 27

Origin of Birth:
Eastern Japan




135 Lbs

1st Division

Seat/ Rank:
Comander General

Zanpakuto Info.:

Zanpakuto Name:

Tsuki Ryu Gensou
'Moon Dragon illusion'

Zanpakuto Spirit:


Zanpakuto Spirit True Form:

Ryu Gensou Is a snow white dragon, with feather like wings. The spirit itself looks extremely gently, but Ryu is actually very sharp and dangerous. Silk ribbons that swirl around Ryu are as sharp as a blade.

Zanpakuto World:

Moon Realm of light

Zanpakuto Spirit's History/Form:

Moon Guardian, Celestial being.

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Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:

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Release Command:

Awaken thy inner spirit 'Ryu Gensou.'

Shikai Appearance:

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Shikai Ability/ Attacks:

Swirling Ribbons that cut anything it touches, Sword causes illusions to the eye forcing enemy to go into shock

Ryu Gensou

Bankai Name:
Gensou Tenshi (illusionary Angel)

Bankai Appearance:
User Image

Bankai Ability/ Attacks:
Swirling Ribbons, as sharp as a sword and as cold as ice, The sword itself can be spun by the twirling of the ribbon, in order for long ranged attacks. Ice bleeds from the sword, the entire surrounding of the area during battle will freeze and feel like -20 below to other shinigami.

Extra Skills:
Hand To Hand Combat
Empathic : able to read peoples emotions
Agility : Hoho (Lightning step)
Highly perceptive
Medicinal herbs, medicens,

Human Worlde Apperance

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Human World Activities

In the human world, Kasumi takes up the look of a high school substitute teacher at Karakura High. She has absolutely no clue what she teaches but she loves to improvise and learn from the human students. She tends to make the classroom laugh often because of her lack in teaching skills.

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Being a person with an unclear past Kasumi is naturaly quiet and prefers to keep to herself. Though she loves to help others and is ready for any task she is given. Kasumi is extremely curious and loves to figure out new things. She does not anger easily and is extremely perceptive to others emotions. Kasumi has a hard time working in a team with others because of her empathic ability, So she prefers to work alone for the most part. she always tries her hardest to not let people down. Kasumi enjoys spending her nights alone, but deep down she wishes and trys to be closer to other people. Her usual face is worn with indifference and happiness. But most days her heart laid bare is sorrow.

Making Tea, Creating herbal medications
Sword training

Personal Skills:
Specialist Empathy
Empathy, which literally translates as in feeling, is the capability to share another being's emotions and feelings
Kasumi has the ability to feel and share other peoples emotions in which helps her understand the people around her. She has a very in deapth ability comprehension when it comes to phycology.

Agility (Flash steps) Kasumi is able to increase her speed above the average shinigami, which makes her a formidable oponent in combat.

perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information.
Because of Kasumi's empathic ability, she can easily percept out come of battles or even counter her opponents strikes with ease.


Kenjutsu meaning "the art of the sword" is a term for classical Japanese sword arts (or koryū) Kasumi Was taught the way of the sword by her adopted clan, the art of the katana being one of her specialities.

Favoritre Foods:

Rice, Onigiri, Strawberries

Favorite Drink:
Sencha Tea
White Tea
Green Tea
Black Tea
Oolong Tea

All types of tea

Making Tea


Unknown origin
Adopted Clan
Rikku Hayabusa - Deceased

Bio/ History:
Biography Before Death:
Kasumi has no memory of her life before death. She struggles often in attempting to remember more of what her past life was like in order to find any relitives, but her memory still fails her. She often experiences dreams that would seem to relate to her past life, leaving her unsure and confussed.

Biography After Death:

Kasumi spent many years wondering Disterict 80 nursing the sick and elderly. These years were filled with many hard ships because of her Empathic ability, often filled with pain and saddness of others. She avoided the crime as much as possible. It was only a few years before Kasumi's talent in medicine was brought to attention. A young girl named Yarra Hayabusa had heard of her Medical abilitys and decided she would be best to help her ill father. Kasumi gradually nursed the man back to health, earning the clans respect and thanks. Knowing she was poor the small but wealthy clan took her in, adopting her as their own. Hayate Hayabusa was also quite fond of Kasumi's Empathic gift and decided he would take it upon himself to help her take control of her power. Kasumi had become an Hayabusa, a shinigami clan. She was Taught the way of the shinigami well before she knew of the academy.
It was only a matter of a few years before she fell in love with the head son. Their love for eachother grew

Immensely, their bond becoming unbreakable. Months before their to be marriage, Ryu was killed, sending Kasumi into a spiralling hell. For many years she struggled to move on. Yarra Hayabusa was her last link in the world. At age 178 it the Hayabusa clan had become scarce. She was left with one last person in her life Yarra Hayabusa, who was later killed by an unknown man, who appeared to be human but was similar to a shinigami. She was left heartbroken and lonely. Her solitude pushing her into a hatful rage. It was then she decided to pushed forth her applications to enter the Soul Reaper Academy in hopes of sometime learning the identity of the person who killed her lost love, and beloved sister. With her exceptional talent in the shinigami arts, she became vice captain if division 1 in little time. Fifty years later her commander general was dieing. He had told her she was the only one who could take over his seat. She had refused, but took over as his dying wish. Being the man who killed Aizen she learned much from him.

It was he that taught her of the Arrancar and Espada. It was her life’s mission to rid the world of such beings in order to promise safety to the people of Soul Society and the human world.

Soul Reaper Academy:
Kasumi spent little time in academy because of her exceptional skills of kido and sword play. She had made few friends but stayed to her self for the most part. With her vow of vengeance against the murderer of her beloved and sister, pushed her to work harder then any other student. Because of her endurance she was recruited to squad 1, promoting her to Vice captain lieutenant.