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Captain Kasumi Hayabusa (Approved)

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Kasumi Jaegerjaquez

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:37 am
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Full Name:
Kasumi Hayabusa

Actual Age:

Appearance Age:

Date of Birth:
Auguest 27

Origin of Birth:




135 Lbs

1st Division

Seat/ Rank:
Comander General

Zanpakuto Info.:

Zanpakuto Name:

‘Aisu Shuujin Gensou’

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Ice Demon,

Zanpakuto Spirit True Form:

Tsuki Ryu

Zanpakuto World:

The Barren Lands Of Ice

Aisu - The barren hell

Zanpakuto Spirit's History/Form:

Moon Guardian - Celestial being

Aisu Shuujin is the most powerful ice being made known to the spiritual world. Being literally called ’Ice Prisoner’ The demons powers being sealed, forever to reside as an untouchable spirit in the ice realm. For centuries the ice goddess ruled with madness, her powers over baring all. Soon a celestial King who fell in love with her, had her imprisoned for his own keepsake. He was unwilling to share her with the world. After his death the spell of imprisonment never broke. Aisu left alone for centuries on end She was reduced to soul guardian of the Ice realm, a celestial moon protector. Eventually her powers took shape to another’s soul being Kasumi Hayabusa. Aisu becoming part of this person, both sharing un reachable powers.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:

Sealed Appearance

Release Command:

Awaken thy inner spirit ‘Aisu Shuujin.'


Shikai Appearance:

Release Appearance

Shikai Ability/ Attacks:

During release the hilt of the sword unleashes one pure white silk ribbon connected by a small bell. The ribbon itself appears to be harmless but is razor sharp to another beings touch. While also having the razor like abilities her zanpakuto can cause basic illusions to the eye forcing enemy to believe they are getting colder by the minute, when they are not. This happens the moment Kasumi Flicks the small of the bell, which will release a small pulse and coldness will reach the person. If the person is struck down and is about to die, they will burn from the inside out, the ice freezing their inner body before the outer. This still applies for her bankai release. She is able to manipulate the swords movements as well by using the ribbon to extend her sword out, making it perfect for long ranged attacks.


Bankai Name:
‘ Aisu Gensou’

Bankai Appearance:

Kasumi’s Zanpakuto has no extensive changes what so ever. Though the ribbon becomes much longer and is used for more quicker attacks. Kasumi’s appearance though does have a more visible change. Her usual shinigami robes change in the arms. The sleeves becoming long, at least down to her calves with her arms held down. Her shinigami uniform is at all times shortened due to her being more combat prone preferring the free movement of her legs.

Bankai Ability/ Attacks:
Before Kasumi says ‘Bankai’ She raises the zanpakuto to her face, and takes hold of her hilts ribbon. As she says the final words, she swipes her hand extremely fast down the silk ribbon, the bell giving on ring. This causes a large pulse to ring out in all directions. The sound of the bell flashing in her enemies mind as soon as she releases it. Her ribbon extends to 40 feet long, and is coiled up her right arm. Before the battle begins the surroundings will change around her. The area will become readily colder and ice filled. The surroundings will feel like -20 degrees. Kasumi’s breath also appears to be cold with each intake of air she takes, though the cold has no affect on her what so ever.
Ice bleeds from the sword with each attack. With her Bankai released her spiritual pressure is increased to a great high for ten minutes enabling her to use higher ranked illusion attacks. This entails three flicks to her Zanpakuto’s bell. A large pulse will rip through her enemies head, and they will assume Kasumi is in their view when she is not. This illusion ends after she inflicts two hits on her enemy, or if the enemy inflicts any damage on her, though the person can move around freely. And if kasumi is unable to land a hit with in the time of fifteen seconds the illusion will end. Her second illusion attack completely ice based. With four flicks to her zanpakutos
Bell the user will not feel any pulse This is called her Gensou Kido attack. Though almost instantly they will be envisioning Kasumi’s sword stabbing them through the chest. Though this is not real they will feel pain, but no visible wounds will be inflicted. This illusion ends after three seconds. Instead of inflicting a physical wound, Kasumi attacks the spiritual energy directly. Causing them to struggle with Kido based attacks, or pure spiritual energy attacks. Though their techniques can still be used, they might not be as damaging as they usually would depending on their own spiritual energy amount, this attack can become useless if the person has extensive amounts of rietsu. Though with each tapping of the bell, it is not necessarily happening one right after the other. Kasumi can take her time with flicking the bell. Ie. Flicking once before battle, another hit later into the battle, then another later on and then use the illusion attack. It is purely choice. But if Kasumi takes high damage between each bell flick, she will be reduced to square one and have to start over again. Her Gensou kido strike is more difficult to use. She can not take any hits if she wants to use this attack (during the time she flicks the bell) if she is hit once while trying to perform this attack it ends immediately. Though each attack takes a lot of concentration and rietsu Kasumi prefers to use her close combat, sword to sword techniques more because she can only use the first illusion attack twice and the last one once. They both take too much rietsu for her to perform them one after the other. She would then be reduced to regular ice strikes and upfront combat.

Extra Skills:
Hand To Hand Combat
Empathic : able to read peoples emotions
Agility : Hoho (Lightning step)
Highly perceptive
Medicinal herbs, medicens,

Human Worlde Apperance

Dresses like this

Human World Activities

Kasumi does not go to the human world to often, unless it is of urgency, Though she does like to go there every once in a while for ‘ Human World Treats. ‘


Kasumi on the outside is a cool, calm, reserved individual with powerful inner strength who possesses the innate ability to rise to the top through unflinching conviction and sheer perseverance. She is a rather stoic person who more than anything else enjoys power, respect, and authority, and who is willing to toe the line for as long as it takes to achieve his goals. Kasumi appears to be a quiet, work-oriented woman. She is generally quiet and solitary, but tries hard to act forthcoming when other people are around. Kasumi operates on moral ethic and logical basis. Kasumi acts in an aristocratic manner - she often seems serene and calm, even on the battle front, she is very seldom surprised by even the most dramatic of actions. Kasumi is naturally a very perceptive woman and is fully aware of the limits of her abilities, and is quick to unravel her oponents personality. Being very quick witted and sharp she is brilliant when it comes to basic and strategic stategy. In spite of her icy and regal manner, Kasumi cares for and protects those important to herself, such as the shinigami and her friends. Kasumi shows open disdain for those who have been disgraced or who she finds to be annoying or overconfident, she does not put up with intolerance and prefers to work with people that are more commonsensical like herself. Even though Kasumi is placed of such high status she is a very beautiful woman who can be related to the idea of ‘Heart breaking vixin.’ Being such a soft-spoken intellectual, she is naturally gifted with getting what she wants, but this does not stop her from being fair and honest with people. Making sure to put others before herself. Kasumi works to maintain her soft look, but if she is angered she begins to keep others in line through intimidation and mind games. She often listens to classical music and enjoys the finer of delicacies.

Making Tea, Creating herbal medications
Sword training

Personal Skills:
Specialist Empathy
Empathy, which literally translates as in feeling, is the capability to share another being's emotions and feelings
Kasumi has the ability to feel and share other peoples emotions in which helps her understand the people around her. She has a very in deapth ability comprehension when it comes to phycology.

Agility (Flash steps) Kasumi is able to increase her speed above the average shinigami, which makes her a formidable oponent in combat.

perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information.
Because of Kasumi's empathic ability, she can easily percept out come of battles or even counter her opponents strikes with ease.


Kenjutsu meaning "the art of the sword" is a term for classical Japanese sword arts (or koryū) Kasumi Was taught the way of the sword by her adopted clan, the art of the katana being one of her specialities.

Favoritre Foods:

Rice, Onigiri, Strawberries

Favorite Drink:
Sencha Tea
White Tea
Green Tea
Black Tea
Oolong Tea

All types of tea

Making Tea


Unknown origin
Adopted Clan
Rikku Hayabusa - Deceased

Bio/ History:

Biography Before Death:
Before death, Kasumi was a senior high student at Tulle Private Academy. Her family was one of the twelve wealthy families that resided in the small town of Tulle. Kasumi had many friends her whole life and was known through out the town, though her mind began to collapse after hitting age eight. For years she experienced mental breakdowns and seizures, her body was placed under great anxiety. The town doctor diagnosed her as mentally unstable and tried for her acceptance into Tulle Asylum. Her parents were quick to refuse because this would tarnish their social status. Kasumi was the only one who truly understood what she was going through. She felt each and every emotion of the people around her, whether it be sadness, sorrow, lust and agony, her mind would be overwhelmed by the sentiments of others. At age seventeen her mind had reached a completely unstable point. She was slowly dieing with having her own feelings replaced by another. She grasped onto the emotion of hate and anger that resonated from one of the town folks. Eventually she acted on the emotion and harmed one of her fellow school mates. Her family was completely disgusted with her and was not willing to handle her properly. In order to keep their high standing safe, they planned Kasumi’s funeral for the fifteenth of July and checked her in into the towns Asylum that same day. There plans being to leave her there to die, for she was a lost cause. As each week passed, she continued to be locked up in her small room. Her body restricted to the bed by leather straps. If not only a month later Kasumi died. Her body had finally given into the stress completely. Kasumi walked the earth as a sorrowed spirit, her essence unable to cross over. As time drug on, she was eventually found by a shinigami, and was sent on to the next world.

Biography After Death:

Biography After Death:

Kasumi was born into a deprived family that lived deep into the 80th district. Her mother was a very ill person who was barely able to care for her, leaving her in the care of her father. Her father was unfit to be her parent. At the young age of seven Kasumi was abused and neglected by the older man. As she struggled to raise her self with little to no help from her father, her mother slipped into a deep coma leaving Kasumi completely to her self. Her father usually left evenings to drink sake; he felt no sadness for his wife. At age nine her mother had finally passed away. Though Kasumi did not know her very well she was hurt by the loss of her mother’s presence. She enjoyed taking care of the woman while her father was out. As years carried on her father became more and more abusive towards her finally pushing her into fighting back. When she did she was kicked from the small cottage, sending her out into the word by her self.
Kasumi spent many years wondering District 80 nursing the sick and elderly for any payments she could receive to survive. Whether it be a meal or coins she was happy. These years she spent on her own were filled with many hard ships because of her special ability she possessed. She was aware of her hyper sensitivity towards the emotions of others, and tried her best to stay connected to her own feelings. Because of her ability she was able to sense what kind of personality everyone had and was careful to stay clear of the dangerous people, avoiding the crime as much as possible. It was only a few years before Kasumi's talent in medicine was brought to attention. A young girl named Yarra Hayabusa had heard of her Medical abilities and decided she would be best suited to help her ill father. Kasumi accepted to help the family being able to sense the kind and pure heart of the girl. She gradually nursed the man back to his health; earning the clans respect and recognition knowing she was poor the small but wealthy clan took her in, adopting her as their own. The head of the clan Hayate Hayabusa was also quite fond of Kasumi's Empathic gift when he learned of it. He had decided to take it upon himself to help her take control of her power. Kasumi had become a Hayabusa, of the Shinigami clan. Kasumi was immediately taught the way of the Shinigami well before she knew of the academy shinigami academy. She had made close friends with Yarra, both connected to each other emotionally as sisters.
It was only a matter of a few years before she fell in love with the head son Ryu. Ryu HayabusaTheir love for each other grew immensely, their bond becoming unbreakable. Months before their marriage ceremony, Ryu was killed on duty, sending Kasumi into a spiraling hell. For many years she struggled to move on, unwilling to except his death. Yarra Hayabusa was her last link in the world, she was the only reason she struggled to move on. At age 178 it the Hayabusa clan had readily become scarce. She was left with one last person in her life that truly mattered. But Kasumi sensed in her heart more sadness was to come and was crushed once again to learn of Yarra’s death, she learned that the young shinigami was killed by an unknown man, who appeared to be human but was similar to a shinigami. She was left heartbroken and lonely. Her solitude pushing her into a hatful rage. It was then she decided to push forth her applications to enter the Soul Reaper Academy in hopes of learning the identities of the persons who killed her lost love, and beloved sister.

Soul Reaper Academy:
Kasumi did have a hard time i the academy. She was often sad because of the great loss's she had to overcome. Even though she carried the burden of death on her shoulders she worked as hard as possible.She was naturally quick and sharp in all philisophical amnd judgement based exams. She was eventually placed into the advanced placement program only nine months into her classes. The wieght on her shoulders became gradually lighter, but it never truely left. Kasumi did struggle with hand to hand combat, but eventually she got help from an advanced program graduate named Magaru Tsugamashi. Eventually they became close friends, and she was happy enough to have someone close to her who was also just like a teacher. Magaru helped her sharpen her skills with kido and hand to hand style fighting. It was thanks to him she was able to successfully complete the combat coarse with flying colors. As she progressed in each course, she was later recruited to being third seat of the first division.

Division Life

The captain, who was also the commander general, knew a bit about Kasumi before she was recruited. Her fiance Ryu was the commanders lieutenant for many years. Kasumi was no stranger to him either. Her mind was put at ease to have some familiarity still in her life. Her captain was just as much as a father figure as Hayate Hayabusa was. Kasumi strived in all missions she received. She was not to fond with working with the rest of the division, preffering to work alone. But her commander made it clear to her that it was crucial that she worked well with people, and encouraged her to be more open to others. He taught her to be the best leader she could be, and helped her through the dark times always pushing her to the limit knowing she would excel at anything she did. The commander was the very person who killed Aizen and taught her all he knew about the Espada and Arrancar. But as time moved on, Kasumi's captain was dying. Once again she was experiencing the cruelties of life, but she refused to let this slow her down. Before he left for good, he told her she was to be the next Commander. Of course Kasumi refused on the spot, beleiving she was not a capable person for leadership. He was the one to tell her she was the only one able enough to take over his place. He knew that she was strong physically and mentally. After he passed, she took over his position over as his dying wish. Vowing to uphold his rulings and rid the world of the Espada. She would have her retribution over the lost army of hollows.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:21 pm
heart I need a clan

Kasumi Jaegerjaquez

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:24 pm
Wouldn't it be the Hayabusa Clan?  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:27 pm
yeah. i jsut need members D;  

Kasumi Jaegerjaquez

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:44 pm
Well unfortunatly we don't have enough active members for a Clan like that, it's a shame too I'd join your clan.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:49 pm
yes yes. It is still doing okay considering its quite the baby yet  

Kasumi Jaegerjaquez

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Cool Guy Won1
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:56 pm
Well may it grow up large and strong  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:03 pm
All Hail Clan HAYABUSA!  

Kaisho Takahashi

Kasumi Jaegerjaquez

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:32 pm
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:49 am
Sounds pretty cool. Since I haven't created a character yet, would I be allowed to join the Hayabusa clan?  

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