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The Plot:

Earth is a barren wasteland.
Neo Crystal Tokyo has collapsed.
Cosmos is off battling Chaos.
Dark Senshi wander the Universe, seeking to rub out all of the Senshi of Light left.

Neo Crystal Tokyo rose in a flurish, everything was perfect. Serenity gave birth to Usagi (Chibi-Usa). The Universe was in a time of peace. No one would have expected Chaos to appear so quickly after her defeat. Yet Sailor Chaos came blazing in, setting the city on fire, demanding her battle with Cosmos.

The balance in time shifted. Everything was thrown into havoc. Usagi still a babe was given to the care of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, who brought her to their castle on Uranus, near the outer rim of the galaxy. Serenity took her power as Cosmos and went to battle Chaos.

Yet the city and everything with it fell, ashes on the ground. Endymion tried to save the city, even so he had gave the city a great protection from the destruction the rest of the world had faced. Neo Crystal Tokyo was protected in a shield of golden light. Even though buildings no longer stood, and everything was a smoldering mess, the city was protected from even more havoc.

The inner senshi guarded the four corners of the city, to protect the innocent living within there. Other senshi of light live in the city, helping those that they can, yet they feel the draw of battle calling them out into the barren plains of Earth. The senshi of dark call to them, challenging them.

It's all a show of power.

biggrin I hope to get some roleplayers.