Everyday Play
When I look at my family I see a staged play,
A script is thrust in my hands and I’m told what to say.
Everything is for show and nothing is really real,
I sit back at family dinners and wonder, “What the hell is the deal?”
Why is our family like this and are others like this too?
I wonder if- and what I’m supposed to do.
Am I supposed to sit here and follow in their steps?
Or rebel and fight back even though here there are no refs.
I could be fouled and hurt and pained,
I don’t want my hands to be stained
With the shame and hurt it will indefinitely cause,
I just wish there was some way I could just hit pause,
So i could go back in time and change my mind.
I would rather be accepted than denied the love I should and do deserve,
Than ignored and shunned I mean they’ve got some nerve,
They preach love and acceptance but it’s all I tragic lie
I feel sometimes ill only get my forgiveness when and after I die.