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Full Name: Magaru Tsugamashi

Actual Age: 1,117

Appearance Age: 27

Date of Birth: June 3, 893 A.D.

Ethnicity/Origin: Japan

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

Weight: 213 lbs.

Division: 13

Seat/Rank: Captain

Gigai Appearance:
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Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Materialized Form:
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Zanpakuto True Form:
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Zanpakuto Name: Ryukaze (Dragon Wind)

Zanpakuto Inner World: A seemingly endless cloudscape. The clouds are normally white, but turn to black thunderclouds when Magaru's heart is in turmoil.

Zanpakuto Info: Ryukaze is a dragon deity who rules over the upper atmosphere. His voice when he sings mimics the whistling of the high speed winds of where he resides, and his roar resembles the claps of thunder that resound from the clouds around him. He was born within the soul of a Shinigami as an answer to his reverence of nature's savage beauty.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:
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Zanpakuto Release Appearance:
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(The picture, but double-ended, and with fluted blades, AKA, the blades have small holes in them.)

Zanpakuto Release Abilities: Can disconnect from the middle to form two weapons. Short cords are stowed in the length of the separated weapons, and can be extended out and held, allowing an alternate style of combat. Air whistles over the holes in the blades when they are swung, creating a high-pitch shrieking noise meant to disorient the enemy.

Given time, the sound begins to affect the mind, causing headaches for the target/s, and slightly distorting perception. Rietsu can be sent into the weapon, giving the wielder the ability to manipulate the air in direct contact with the blade, and form weak "wind blades" by slashing through the air. The greater the wind's velocity, the stronger the zanpakuto's abilities become.

Release Command: Sing with the zephyrs, Ryukaze.

Bankai: Kencho Banrai Ryukaze (Striking Heavy Thunder Dragon Wind)

Bankai Appearance: ( v Kusari-gama reference v )
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His hair becomes tied back into a ponytail so it is out of the way. The Naginatas become Kusari-gamas, with the blades remaining nearly the same . The only difference is three emeralds on each blade (the blade of the naginata, but with three gems set in it). The long chains are enforced with his Rietsu, making them difficult to destroy.

Bankai Ability/Attacks: The piercing noise remains, but the sound is now near constant due to the continuous nature of the Kusari-gama, making the disorienting effect more potent overall. Kencho Banrai Ryukaze demonstrates his true power by granting total control of the surrounding air to his wielder. Causing the air to rapidly rub against itself, the friction creates electricity, and the wind blades are replaced by arcs of lightning.

When the lightning is fired, thunderclaps which strongly resemble a dragon's roar ensue, disrupting the constant shrieking of the blades, and furthering the disorientation with the high decibel of the sound. As Ryukaze's domain is the upper atmosphere, the higher Magaru is, the more powerful Ryukaze becomes.

However, to control the wind to such an extent, Magaru must let his Rietsu constantly flow from his body, melding with the air. This leaves him with a time limit, mostly depending on the amount of Rietsu he places in his attacks. The time limit is displayed in the form of the three emeralds on Ryukaze's blades. When Bankai is initiated, they glow brightly, and cause streaks through the air as the weapons fly. As time passes and Rietsu is used, the emeralds dim, two at a time, until the last become dull. When this happens, Magaru has used all his Rietsu, and is left near helpless. Ryukaze returns to normal.

Abilities: Proficient in both Hado and Bakudo, he and his Division prefer to use a balance of swordsmanship and Kido.

Personality: Almost always giving off an air of calm reassurance, Magaru Tsugamashi is averse to unnecessary bloodshed. An admirer of art in all its forms, he fears for its survival through the battles to come, and so practices its various forms, be it singing, painting, writing, or even exotic styles of martial ability. He is extremely protective of his squad, who he views as his family. Should misfortune befall them, his near passive nature vanishes and is replaced by a manifested form of vengeance.

Hobbies/Likes: Painting, music, reading, martial arts. He likes times of peace and seeing his subordinates succeed in their personal goals.

Favorite Foods/Drinks: Fried Rice and Sake

Hates: Unnecessary acts of violence, destruction of art, repetitive ignorance.

Bio (Life): As with nearly all souls that have passed on, he has forgotten his previous existence while he was alive. However, when he lived, he was the son of a noble who lived in Japan's countryside.

As he grew, he was tutored in the proper behavioral habits of his class in society, and also came to have a deep appreciation of art. All was going well until an outbreak of a disease lethal to younger people passed through the land. Magaru fell ill, and try as the local physicians could, they could not remedy the affliction.

To the heartbreak of his parents, he passed away shortly afterward, at the age of 16.

Bio (Afterlife): Shortly after arriving in the Rukongi district of the Soul Society, Magaru was adopted by a family of elderly peoples who happened upon him. Thankful for their love and hospitality, Magaru did all he could to repay them for what they had done.

For nigh on five years, he lived with his adoptive grandparents, and during this time, he found that he had spiritual energies. The need for food made it harder for the small family, but they managed to get by. Many more years passed, and all seemed to be well, but time was cruel, and it eventually took the family from him.

He buried them in a field where they would often go to pass the time together, and with nothing left for him in the Rukongi, he left for the Seireitei. He enrolled into the Soul Reaper Academy, and upon taking the entrance exams was placed in the advanced class. He put his all into it, focusing his energies on his studies so as to dull away the pain of losing his family. During his second year he found a close companion in a fellow academy student by the name of Kasumi Hayabusa.

Through their years at the academy, they would often train together, helping each other improve upon their weaknesses. While Kasumi became more proficient in Kido and unarmed combat, so too did Magaru make progress in his shunpo, though never becoming quite so proficient as his friend. In all, he studied for eight years before graduating, and was given a seat in the Division 5 Court Guard Squad.

The years passed, and Magaru proved himself to his squad. After finally learning Bankai, he felt he was truly ready, and so Tsugamashi took the Captain's Examination, passing with relative ease. He was given support by the captains of Divisions 4, 5, and 12, and took the place of the newly retired captain of Division 13. After a trying time of gaining the respect of the members of his squad, they came to respect him for his views, as he in turn would demonstrate his dedication and protectiveness for his new family.

Relatives: The only family he knew passed away shortly before he left for the Seireitei, but he defends the members of his squad as if they were his own blood.